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April 26, 2020

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

“Father we just thank You, Father God for how You are bringing us together Father God. We thank You for what You are doing Father. We thank You Father for the sound of Your heartbeat. Father God for the sound of Your heart beat, Father God being released in the earth, Father. And Father at this time, at this time You are pulling up nations and You're shaking them and You’re pulling up nations and You’re shaking them Father but Your heart is beating. Your heart is beating for unity of Your children, Father. And so, Father, we thank You for Your heartbeat Father God. We thank You, Father God for Your heartbeat. And so Father God, we thank You, Father God that Your sound comes into the earth. Your sound fills the earth Father God. Your heartbeat, the sound of Your beating heart fills the earth and the sound of unity. The sound of unity among Your body. A sound Father God that You have longed for. A sound Father God. Father, we thank You for Your heartbeat. We thank You for Your sound. We thank You Father God where the enemy has taken over sound waves of the earth, Father God. Come and reestablish Your sound with those sound waves, Father God. And it’s Your sound. It’s Your sound Father God. It’s the sound of You, Father God. And as You pick up nations and You shake them and You throw them back down, as You pick up nations and You shake them and You throw them back down, just roll them into a new place Father God. A new place in You. Father, we thank You for Your sound, Your heartbeat, in the name of Jesus.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“What the Father was telling me this morning is that there is a cadence that we are to enter into today. It is the cadence of His heartbeat. He says it’s time. It’s time for every tear to be taken away. I know the grief and I know the struggles for today. I have not left you and I will never forsake you. Behold, I am making all things new. Pull up your robe from around your feet and get ready. Get ready to run into all that I have for you this day.”


“So Father, we get ready to go. We get ready to run with You, Father. Father, we are moving to Pentecost. We’re moving to the surge of Your power, Father God. We’re reading ourself for Pentecost, Father. We’re walking faster and faster and faster Father. We can run with the horses. Father, this year the horses won’t run ahead of us. We can get the sound of the heartbeat of the horses and we can stay in step, in rhythm with the horses, Father. And God says as My people become in rhythm, as My people become in rhythm with the horses, as they run with the horses and not lag behind. As My people have watched many times and watched the enemy run with the horses and the people of the enemy run with the horses, He said it’s now My time. It’s My people’s time to run with the horses. And He says it is My sound that you will be creating in the earth. It’s My sound that you will be creating in the earth. He said faster and faster. Pull up your robe and run faster and faster and faster. And God is reminding me as I am getting this word, the average quarter horse runs 45mph. If you can get the picture of like going in a car almost 50mph, that’s just the average quarter horse. That’s just the average and we’ve got to go more than average now. It’s going to be a run, it’s going to be more than average, Father. And Father, we’re ready to make the sound of the horses. We’re ready to get Your sound and Your cadence into the earth and Your heartbeat. And Father God our hearts, our hearts. We speak to the individual heart to come to capacity. To come to full capacity. Where hearts have been fluttering, where hearts have been out of tune, where hearts have been in fear, we speak to the heart to come to full capacity so we can run. We can run, we can run with the horses.”

“I hear the Father saying there’s some people that have death sentences with heart trouble that He’s changing, He’s healing. He’s wanting to heal so His people can run and faster. Pull up your robe and run faster and faster and faster. And God is reminding me as I am getting this word, the average quarter horse runs 45mph. If you can get the picture of like going in a car almost 50mph, that’s just the average quarter horse. That’s just the average and we’ve got to go more than average now. It’s going to be a run, it’s going to be more than average, Father. And Father, we’re ready to make the sound of the horses. We’re ready to get Your sound and Your cadence into the earth and Your heartbeat. And Father God our hearts, our hearts. We speak to the individual heart to come to capacity., To come to full capacity. Where hearts have been fluttering, where hearts have been out of tune, where hearts have been in fear, we speak to the heart to come to full capacity who we can run. We can run, we can run with the horses.”

“I hear the Father saying there’s some people that have death sentences with heart trouble that He’s changing. He’s healing. He’s wanting to heal. He’s wanting to heal so His people can run, so people can run with the horses. He said you cannot go average speed. You have to go to capacity above average. I thank You, Father. I thank You, Father.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“I actually had a song before Sheila sang heartbeat. I’ll just sing it. 🎵 Arise, shine. Rise oh Israel. Arise shine, arise oh Israel. For your light has come, the blood flows free. Come and see what I see. Hear My sound, Hear My sound. Arise, arise oh Israel. Arise, hear My sound, hear My sound. The blood flows free, it flows in Me. It flows in you, oh Israel. Hear My sound.”🎵

“And I hear the Lord saying that I My sound is blowing through your veins. It’s not just flowing, but it’s blowing, says the Lord. So arise and shine oh Israel. Arise and shine, Ekklesia, My bride. Arise and shine and hear My heart. For where My heart is, that’s where there’s freedom. For there are no arrhythmias in My heart, there are no malfunctions in My heart. There are no heart attacks in My heart. My heart flows freely for you to flow freely in Me and for My Spirit to blow freely in you. You must hear the heartbeat and the sound and the rhythm of My heartbeat. For in the beat there is harmony. In the beat there is unity. So hear and flow with Me. Get into My heartbeat says the Lord and there you will be free. There you will be free and understand that your sound will not sound like everybody else's sound. For I am a multifaceted God with multifaceted sound. When I say multifaceted sound, I am a God of variety. I am a God that loves variety, so flow with Me and as you flow, even if your sound sounds different, it will be unity because it’s in Me. It is found in My heart. So flow, flow and let My Spirit blow through you.”


“So just put your hand on your heart, whoever has generational heart conditions. Just put your hand on your heart. I hear healing. God says He needs to heal hearts this morning. So we speak into generational heart conditions and we say we pull it out in the name of Jesus. We pull it out. All heart disorders. We pull out the fear. We pull out the generational fear that brought the heart condition. And we say a reset of the rhythm, the proper rhythm. We speak back into the generational bloodlines and we say let God’s people go. And let God’s people attain the prize. So Father God, we speak lengthening of days. Father God, we speak lengthening of days. There will be no heart attack. There will be no heart disorder. We speak lengthening of days. Debra Mather, put your hand on your heart for Don. We just speak to Don Mather’s heart and we just speak lengthening of days. We just say lengthening of days, the rhythm of the heart comes into order. The rhythm of the heart beats properly and it cannot come out of order. It can not come out of order. Never again to jump rhythm. So Father God, we speak lengthening of days. We speak fulfillment of purpose into Don Mather. We just say your days are not numbered by the enemy and generational curses, but your days are the number that God gave. And so Father, we thank You for restoration. Full restoration into Don’s heart, Father in the name of Jesus.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“And Father God, I just speak and declare what I’m seeing Father, as we connect even to the heartbeat of Yeshua when He walked on the land. We connect, Father God to the sound of His voice and even the sound of His footsteps as He walked on the land. Father to the sound of His miracle working power when He told Lazarus to come out when He said arise, your faith has made you well. Father, we connect to that sound of healings, of miracles, Father. Even His footsteps were healing. Father, we connect to that this day, Father. We pull that here in the name of Yeshua. We pull that to us to release on the land here in Mississippi, in Tennessee, in Alabama, in Honduras. Wherever people are joining, Father, we pull that to release in our homes, on our lands, in our areas of influence in the name and through the blood of our Lord, Yeshua Hamashiah.”


“I’ve been hearing a clock ticking today. And you know our heart is often times referred to as a ‘ticker’ and what I saw earlier was the Lord re-adjusting our ‘tickers’. He was resetting them and putting us in His kairos timing. He was making that adjustment. He was doing the healing, He was resetting the heart to be in His kairos timing.”


“I have something else about the time that I got a few minutes ago and the Lord said time is time and I have the clock now. I will work. I have this. It is now time. Oh time. And the enemies' time is up. No more.”

Julia Ann

“Your time. Your time that we come into the right time, Father. The right time, Father. The right time, Father.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“Father I thank You that there will be no deficiencies in the bone marrow of the body of Christ. Father, I thank You that there will be no deficiencies in the bone marrow in the Ecclesia. But Father God, there is life in the bone marrow that causes production, causes production, Father for everything needed to sustain life in the bones, which is the blood. The white blood cells, the bone marrow, calcium, all the electrolytes, Father, that there will not be any brittle bones in the Ecclesia. Father, when Jesus was nailed to the cross, there was not 1 broken bone in HIs body. And we are the body of Christ and we refuse to have any broken bones in the Ecclesia. So Father, I thank You that we are joint heirs with Jesus, seated in heavenly places, that we have dominion because God gave us dominion through Jesus Christ. And so Father, I decree and I declare that there will not be 1 fractured bone. There will not be 1 broken bone. There will be no deficiency in the bone marrow in the bones, Father. That there is life in the blood, there is life in the bones and I thank You, Father, that we are not a broken body. But Father, we are with Jesus. Hallelujah. And Father, I thank You in the name of Jesus for life and the Ecclesia within the bone marrow within the bones. Amen.”


“I keep on seeing a picture of Secretariat in the Bellemont and I see him coming around the curve. I’ve looked at the picture many, many times of him coming around the curve so far ahead of the horses and at that moment when he came into that curve and he turned that curve, every bit of effort, every person that had poured into him, every bit of their effort, everything that they had done, everything that they had worked so diligently for was coming home. And as he was going to the finish line he was paving the way. He was paying off every debt. He was paying off every bill. He was paying off everything as his heart was pumping. He was bringing them every person connected home. But it was a home that they were rewarded for. All of their efforts, for all of their time, for all of their hard work. And God is saying, I’m going to reward all of My children just like that. For all of their effort, all of their hard work, all of their time. He says keep running the race. He says you're almost, you’re almost to the finish line. And He said everything you’ve poured in, everything you’ve poured in, you will be rewarded. And He says come home across the finish line. Run hard. Run hard for the triple crown. He says don’t stop with the roses. He says run hard. Run hard. You can win all 3 races. He said it’s not a double portion, it’s a triple portion. You can win all 3.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Don’t stop pressing, giving it your all. Don’t stop. Press in. Give it all. Finish well. Follow. Oh Lord we run with You, we run with You. We follow You. We walk in You, we won’t slow down. We look to You, Lord. We’re finishing. Gonna finish that triple crown. Nothing less than what You have for us, Lord. Breathe on us. Nothing less than what You have for us. Breathe on us now. Breathe on us, Lord. Breathe on our song, breathe on our words. Breathe on our steps. Put it all out. Don’t hold anything back. Don’t hold anything back. Put it all out there, Now is the time. Release your sound. Release the sound He’s given you. A sound of freedom. Your footsteps, release the sound of freedom. Sound is the connector, it connects with You Lord. We connect our sound to heaven, we connect with Your will and purpose. We run the race, we run the race. We won’t quit now. We never quit. We never quit. We will never quit.”


“Sheila, what I'm seeing is where we have run on our own, when we have tried to make it. The toiling, the labor of us trying to make it to our finish line, to run in that race in our own strength. What I’m seeing in addition to that is when God created Adam, He formed him out of the dust and God was face to face with Adam. Nose to nose, mouth to mouth and what I’m sensing is that the Father is wanting to blow. The Father is wanting to get close and to blow His breath of refreshing that makes us strong. That enables us this day to run in this race, to run with that triple crown in sight. We need a fresh infilling of His breath face to face, nose to nose and mouth to mouth.”


Prophetic Song

“Breathe oh breath of God. Breathe oh breath of God. Breathe oh breath of God yeah breathe. Feel a breath, face to face with me oh God. Nose to nose with me, just breathe over me. Breathe oh breath of God, eye to eye oh God. Breathe oh breath of God now breathe. Breathe or breath oh God, mouth to mouth oh God, breathe over me. Fill me Lord with Your breath, fill my eyes with Your glory, fill my nose with Your scent, Lord. I want it all, I want it all. Breathe over me Lord, breathe over me Lord so all I’m breathing in is You. I don’t even need oxygen. Breathe, breathe face to face, breathe face to face with me Lord. Breathe face to face, Lord, nose to nose, eyes to eyes, mouth to mouth Lord. Breather over me so all I see, all I smell, all I breathe is you. All I hear is Your breath over me. All I see is Your face in front of me, all I smell Lord is Your glory, all I breathe is You. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Fill me up, fill up my lungs Lord. Lord fill our lungs, Lord. Heal our breath, Lord. Heal us Lord, heal us Lord, let us breathe You. Someone needs physical healing with Your breath, Lord. Be healed as You breathe over them. Breathe, breathe Him in. Breathe. We breathe You in, oh we smell Your fragrance. We smell Your holy fragrance. All we see is You. See Your eyes. Blow. All we feel, all we taste. We breathe in You. All we hear is Your breath blowing over us. Not going to speak our destiny, plan it Lord, what we don’t know what we have not seen. Oh breathe over us, breathe over us. We trust You, Lord. Take our old breath. We want only You. Replace it, Lord. Every cell, into every body, every cell absorbs the breath of God. Every cell, every strand of DNA it absorbs Your breath now. Feel it, feel it blowing in. Feels like it’s coming over you, it’s coming in you, it’s filling you. Your very DNA, healing to your very DNA. Breathe.”


“This is interesting because I’m sitting here trying to remember my dream and just a portion has come back to me. And I’m just going to pray about that and I think it resembles healing. The portion that I remember was like they were bringing a reward of some kind. I think it was a reward. But the question that was posed to me was, you did good so now you can have whatever your heart’s desire is or you can have your heart’s desire. And I’m telling this person I want to be able to play the fiddle. And so that was my heart’s desire to play the fiddle. And so I’ve been sitting here wondering what do I do with it. I’ve not ever physically, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to play the fiddle. In my dream I said that. But I’m thinking how the musical instrument has always brought good vibes to me whenever I heard it played. So I don’t know if that was the healing that is being transmitted or if it was, I’m not sure what it is but I’ve been hearing fiddle music this morning. So I think it means that healing is coming. Fiddle music, and it is a great part of the Choctaw life was dancing the square dance with fiddle music. It’s interesting that you would ask me to pray for healing. And I’m glad you did. I would love to pray for healing for my people but for all people as well. Jesus, we ask that You take each person that may be sick, that may be laying down because of infirmities, that You will fill each one with life that they may arise and dance with Your Word. Lord we pray that You will be with each one of us that You will bring us all alive dancing in our spirits that we would bring awakening to all of us in Jesus’ name. Amen”


Prophetic Song

“Roar Lion of Judah roar, Lion of Judah roar over us, breathe over us. Roar over us, Lion of Judah roar. Lion of Judah fill us with Your roar. Your breath is over us, Your sound roar over us, fill us. Oh break the chains, break the illness break the infirmity. Roar over us, free us now. Lion of Judah roar, Lion of Judah roar. Roar. Lion of Judah roar. Oh feel the fullness of His breath, the fullness of His roar. Feel it over you, feel it over you. Let it fill you let it fill you, let the roar fill you let it fill you, let it fill you, fill you. Fill your lungs, fill your heart, fill your ears, fill your eyes. Fill us Lord, fill us. Roar over us. Roar over us. Roar over us, Lord.”


“And where your body has been feeling the sound of infirmity, receive the roar of the Lion of Judah. Just let that sound come into your body and reset, reset the healing level of your body. Come up a notch. Come up to more healing today. Come up to more physical healing. Come up to more emotional healing. Come up. Come up. Let the sound of the Lion bring you to new levels of healing. New levels. New levels. New levels.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“There’s some broken hearted mothers that’s been praying for children. And God said My sound is changing. My sound is changing in them. He says My sound is roaring over them. My sound is roaring over your heart. He says bring your heart back into the rhythm of My heart, back into the rhythm of My heart so you’re praying for them from throne room authority. Let your heart come back to the rhythm of My heart and you will see your prayers answered.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“There’s somebody, I heard the Lord say, quivering heart. There’s a heart that’s quivering and I’m feeling there’s a shaking, quivering within your heart. The Lord says that’s not a heart attack, it’s not angina, it’s not CHF (congestive heart failure), for that’s the healing power of God. God is healing hearts. I’m talking about physical hearts and spiritual hearts. But He says there’s somebody that’s feeling their heart quivering. It's almost like, I want to say it’s a vibration, but that’s the vibration of the Lord. That’s the vibration of the Lord so don’t get in fear. Just receive. Just receive your healing. I’m telling you God is creating and He is healing hearts. Physical and spiritual, your emotional hearts. I’m hearing emotional hearts. God’s doing a healing. Amen.”


“I heard the Lord say that He wants to reset finances through your generational bloodline. He is wanting to reset the wealth that is due to your generations and your future generations today. I said, God this is wild and He said no. I’m resetting everything in everyone this day and He says I am resetting the wealth in your bloodline, in your business, in the businesses that are coming because He is going to give some of you new business ideas, new creative ideas that He spoke these things. I’m hearing, He spoke these things to generations back in your bloodline and they let it go. They dropped it. They said I can’t do this, I don’t know how to do this and they messed it up. And the Lord said He wants to reset that today. And He says the wealth that you’ve been looking for is in your bloodline and it’s through the resetting of giving. And it’s a resetting of giving. So He wants to set those things in you into motion. And He says to give today as He speaks to you. God has really been talking to me about the wealth, the wealth and what He’s doing. And so God, I just thank You right now, in Jesus’ name that You are resetting, even in my bloodline, Father, even with me. Resetting my finances, Father for Your kingdom purposes,Lord. And Father I just decree blessings on everyone, Father. I decree blessings over these tithes and offerings. Whatever the seed may be, Father. It would reset in each one of us those things which need to be reset as far as the wealth in us and in our bloodline in the name of Yeshua Hamashiach.”


“There’s somebody in your generations, you have doctors and you’ve wondered why you don’t have that anymore, God says I’m resetting the generations that were supposed to have followed and kept the wealth going. He says I’m resetting your generational line this day. He says I’m bringing you back into the right mentality. I’m bringing you back into the right mentality and right wordage. He said the right words coming out of your mouth. The right wordage. And there’s somebody else that store owners and the generations just walked away from it. It’s not that they couldn’t do it, they didn’t want to do it. And God says I’m resetting where your bloodline became apathetic. God says I’m calling that apathy out of your bloodline this day and I’m resetting you. I’m resetting you away from apathy. I’m moving that spirit out of your bloodline this day where the generations just dropped it because they just didn’t want to do it. They didn’t want the responsibility. God says I’m resetting you into a level of responsibility. You’re going to see a surge and a change in you.

Ruth Ann McDonald

"I want to go back to the reset of the money. I heard that right before Sonja released that, that He wants to reset our finances. He wants to reset the frequency on our finances and our creativity and our ability to make wealth. And I’m hearing right now, we’re going to dream dreams and those dreams are going to be realized. Lord, we decree that. For firstfruits, we sow into this reset, Father God. You are resetting our finances. You are resetting our creativity, You are resetting our frequencies. You’ve reset our bodies today, our hearts today, Father, and we receive this reset in Jesus’ name.”


“I am seeing as the resetting is taking place and the people are sowing, I’m hearing not just a double blessing on your giving. I’m hearing quadruple. Take that up with Holy Spirit, but that’s what I’m hearing and I am seeing creativity. God is going to, what He’s doing, He has given you creative ideas and do not think lightly of those things and don’t think that it’s just your ideas because God is the one that’s doing that. He says to write the vision down and He says don’t just step out and do it, He says run with it. I saw the horses earlier and I saw them running, running and the angels of the Lord were on the horses and I kept seeing this dust and He said leave the dust, shake the dust from your boots, shake the dust from your feet and forget the past because when He gives you these ideas, you’re gonna be on those horses and you’re gonna run with the vision and you’re gonna do it and you’re gonna be successful in doing it and it’s going to overtake you. It’s going to overtake the land, it’s going to overtake the economy, it’s going to overtake this nation and I’m just seeing it. I saw the horses earlier just running and I was like what is that and now I’m getting it. It’s the resetting and God said to take those ideas, write them down and then run with it. He says don’t just step out in faith, you run with it. You will be successful because He is in it, in Jesus’ name. I want to share this also. There was a word, I believe it was Janis that was talking about the dancing and I started laughing because what I was seeing, I’m just to go ahead and share what I was seeing, I was actually seeing the horses dancing. I saw horses dancing. I’ve never seen that before, but you know God is good and amen and amen. So, I thank You, Father for the running horses, the dancing horses, Father God, for the wind of the Spirit, the fire of the Spirit, God that’s burning and blowing, Father. I thank You, Father that You are blowing the wealth of the land into manifestation, Father God that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just and we will, Father, take those visions and run with it. And we will dance before You, we will run before You. We will be in Your heartbeat with the right sound at the right time. With everything that You are doing, Father we want to be in the middle of it, we don’t want to be on the sidelines looking at it and see what this one is doing and what that one is doing, Father we want to be in the middle of the wind. We want to be in the middle of the fire, Father. And we will run, that we will dance before You, Father and the sound of Your Spirit, Father, the sound of Your Spirit will blow and burn, Father, burn. In Jesus’ name.”


“You are reset today with His people. He’s doing a reset in the kingdom of darkness and He says starting now and over the next 2 years, over the next 24 months is exactly what I heard we’ll see more and more surface to the top of money that has been used and abused wrongly. It’s been used for harm instead of God’s kingdom. You will see more and more people brought to the surface and their wealth put back into the righteous hands. And Father, I thank You for what You are doing. I thank You. And He says it starts immediately. It starts immediately. It’s not something you’re going to be in waiting. It starts immediately and it’s going deeper and deeper and deeper every day into the enemies kingdom.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Reset the sound, reset Your sound, we set the sound of the wealth. We set, we set Your sound over the land, Lord. We set the sound of the resources. We set the sound of the wealth in the land. We set release, we set release for Your kingdom, Lord. Make us ready, make us ready, make us ready, Lord. We set our mindsets for the wealth. We set our mindsets for the wealth.”



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