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August 30, 2021

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

“I’m going to share what I just saw. I saw the enemy tiptoeing, tiptoeing trying to get around things. And then all of a sudden I saw the foot of God. I usually don’t see the feet of God. But I saw the foot of God come down and squash those imps and that demonic structure. I don’t know exactly what that demonic structure is but he stepped on all of them. He said you will not tiptoe around my Ecclesia. You will not tiptoe around on My earth and that which I have created says the Lord. For I have crushed you. I have crushed you this day. And every one of you that have hidden, you are paralyzed, you are crushed, you are stomped on by My foot says the Lord. And the anointing, My power and My Spirit crushes you now in Jesus name. You will not tiptoe around issues. He will not tiptoe around this nation, My nation, My land says the Lord. You will not tiptoe in the atmosphere causing the weather patterns to change, says the Lord. For I have crushed you this day. I have crushed you this day. I have a crushed you this day. I have crushed you this day.”


“So Father we now speak, Father God, we speak to this thing that the enemy devised and it’s called Ida. We speak Father God and we say in the name of Jesus, the gates of Mississippi, the gates of Alabama, and the gates of Tennessee are closed to your destruction. Your destruction is forbidden to enter our territory. It’s forbidden to come into our region for our believers, God's people will not walk into destruction but we will walk into the peace of the Lord. Father God I thank you Father. I thank You that You surround our territories and our regions Father God with the blood, the canopy of the Lord Jesus. Father that there will be no destruction that will enter.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“And the Lord's work is only gaining in momentum; it will not slow down; it will gain momentum every day. Everything that was written for today in the books of the Lord will be accomplished today. Everything that is written for tomorrow will be accomplished tomorrow in the name of Yeshua.”


“Talking about momentum, I just want to share something I was listening to this morning. It was about Secretariat, it was about the momentum. This momentum. Nostrils flared he is going, he is going, he is going. And I guess the trainer said what was his name? Tommy or something don’t fall off, hold on and that’s what I’m sensing. That’s what I’ve been sensing this morning before I even got here is this vision of Secretariat running and the Lord is saying are you going to stay in this race with Me? Are you going to keep up with My momentum because I’m not stopping, I'm not stopping. I am going for the finish line. You better hold on. You better hold on, we're going in this momentum. And it was also paralleling, I don’t really know, but it was paralleling I couldn’t figure it out. With momentum and tenacity and the determination to keep going, nostrils flared it was like the Lord was also showing me the glory train. They are paralleled. The glory of the Lord Jesus is here, it is progressing and He is not stopping.”


And you know with that movie one of the things that the enemy kept doing was through the tongue. Through the tongue of saying the negative things against this horse that ran. And they were talking so negative about he’s not going to win, my horse and they were boasting. . . dada dada dada dada. But when Secretariat came out of those gates he came out with such speed and he didn’t back off. He didn’t slow down but he kept going and he kept going and he kept going and he passed all those other horses, all those other people that were sitting in the stands that owned these other horses that had spoken negative about Secretariat but he kept on and he kept on. And it’s about the momentum. The keeping on and holding on. And the Lord says hold on. Hold on. I’m going to dovetail off of what Konnie is saying because there’s such a witness with me about the Lord saying hold on. Your enemy will say a lot of things, negative things about you. The enemy will come up against the Ecclesia but as you hold on and you keep that momentum and you run your race, you run your race, he had a pace and he kept going and he kept going and he kept going and his speed, he kept speeding up. He kept speeding up. The Lord says I’m not going to slow down. Are you going to slow down? Are you going to look at the circumstances and listen to the voices of the enemy? Or are you going to hang on to me and finish your race?”


“The pilings are being fortified. Every beat of this Abba Father drum, the pilings are being tamped down. I don’t know the right word, but they’re tamped down. Denser. They are more and more dense and that’s what we catapult from. This momentum cannot fail. It cannot fail.”


“I’ve seen this several times since I’ve been up here this morning and I don’t understand it so some of y’all have got to help me here. But I keep seeing the north, south, east, and west gates into our nation. And there’s something going on there, the north, south, east, west gates into our nation that’s what I’m seeing.. And I keep seeing the angels and the enemy and they are at war. They’re at war and it’s like a whirlwind going on. It’s like a spiritual whirlwind and warfare going on with the angels and the demonic. And I saw earlier I keep seeing a threefold demonic cord coming unraveled that’s in our nation but the root of it is not in our nation. It’s in another nation and I don’t know what nation that is. But it is unraveling and that’s what the warfare is at the north, south, east, and west gates of our nation. So there’s an unraveling and as we partner with Holy Spirit and we submit and surrender to Him, Lord we just say go God. We say Father have Your way. So Father I just decree and declare and I’ve never said this before but I decree and declare that the angels will fulfill their assignment. That they will do what they are assigned to do at the gates to cause this unraveling of this threefold cord. But the root’s not here in our nation it’s in another nation somewhere else. In Jesus name.”


“OK God told me just now before Sonja said that, He said pray to the direction. I don’t know north, east, south, and west. I couldn’t tell you which direction it is. But Father we speak to the north and we say to the north the Lord Jesus will have His way. The north belongs to the Lord and the north will be ruled by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords Jesus Christ. We speak to the south and we say to the south Jesus is King. He is Lord. He is Savior and He created our southern border and He will rule there. He will rule there. He created the waters of the Rio Grande and He will rule the waters that He created.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“And we speak to the eastern gates of the United States of America and we say that Jesus is Lord of the eastern gate. We open up the eastern gate to the armies of heaven and we say Lord in the spirit realm occupied. Occupied here occupied. We bow before the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and as He comes in that Eastern gate. Come in that eastern gate. Picture it. And we speak to the western gate and we say open wide before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Let the holy of holies open to the Lord Almighty. And let His enemies be scattered in the name of Jesus. Right about now with our weather system coming in birds of prey, the great eagles are flying higher. It’s time to fly high and look down on the enemy underneath your feet in the name of Jesus.”


“And I’m just going to say this in the name of Jesus by the power in the Spirit of the living God Father, Father I cut the connection of this root into our nation. I cut, I sever the umbilical cord in the name of Jesus that it will not give birth to any more demonic entities. No more. Father I just thank you, I thank you Father.”


“So what I heard, so before church even started, I was banging on the drum and the sound was off. So when we started playing, and pushing through, I heard Holy Spirit tell me to beat the enemy out of the sound. So I was really banging on it but you can’t tell, I don’t know. Can you say that cross? In the middle? And it wasn’t until you said north, south, east, west, because I was banging in the middle. I was told to beat right there in the middle and so it was a compass. But what I heard is, I’m just going to repeat what I heard so somebody is going to have to explain this.So the hurricane that is coming in, it’s going to cleanse but what we need to do is keep the enemy’s spirit out of that so that it can cleanse and not destruct.”


“We speak to the southern gate in the gulf of Mexico and we say open wide to the Spirit of Yeshua. Let Yeshua Hamaschiah, our Messiah, come through that southern gate. Let His Spirit and His blood cleanse the southern gate in the gulf of Mexico so that what the Lord has cleansed no man can put asunder. No enemy agent, no man speaking on behalf of someone else, their words fall to the ground useless, void because of the Spirit and the blood of Jesus coming in to cleanse in the southern gate.”


“And with the cleansing, when Jan started speaking, I saw across the gulf of Mexico where the Holy Spirit is blowing the wind and pushing back the enemy pushing back the enemy because there’s still people working in the gulf, ya’ll. My daughter in law’s brother is still out there. They left him. I don’t know why but anyway so there will be no destruction as Ruth Ann has prophesied. There will be no deaths in the name of Jesus. The spirit of death that’s trying to come in the Holy Spirit is blowing it back and we say no to the enemy. We say no to the death structure in Jesus name. We say no to the destruction in Jesus' name. We say no to fear in the name of Jesus. We say no to the fear in Jesus name. No!. And I don’t know who it was. I think it was Sheila earlier or somebody said I know I heard it somewhere, let God arise and Hhis enemies be scattered. And as the Ecclesia rises up, As the Ecclesia rises up and takes her position hallelujah and partners with Holy Spirit, the enemies are scattered in Jesus name. In Jesus name.”


“There’s some Lazarus’ that are being raised up from the dead this morning who have been spiritually dead, hallelujah, and God said I am causing you to rise up out of the tomb. To rise up taking off those grave clothes in Jesus name. Glory! Glory!”


“As Konnie was playing at one point, I don’t know if she heard, but her banging on the bongos it sounds like a horse hoof like it was galloping. You know and as the momentum keeps going I hear God is saying hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I don’t know what this adventure is going to look like but we are getting ready to go on an adventure. We are getting ready to go on the ride of our lives. So hold on.”


“This is so funny. I see me on a horse and the Lord says, and this is for everybody OK, you don’t have to be perfect. Because you were riding a horse and as you pick up the momentum and and you stay in that momentum on that horse the wind is blowing and it’s blowing all kinds of junk off of you, y’all. It’s just blowing all kind of stuff off of you. Hallelujah. Oh the Lord says I am blowing off things of the past season that you have held onto. For this is a new season. This is a new season. This is a new day, this is a new sound. And you know when you’re riding a horse and that wind is coming against your face and it’s blowing your hair back there’s all different kinds of sounds. The sound of the wind. So let him blow. Let him blow. Hallelujah.”


“Do you hear the horse galloping?”


“Thank You Father for what You’re doing for us. Thank you Father for Your miracle working power and what You’re doing for us. Thank you Father for You surrounding Your people Father God with Your protection Father God with Your grace with Your mercy Father God. Thank You Father God that Your momentum is picking up greater and greater and greater. And I thank You, Father God for the documents, and I’ll explain them in a minute what I just saw signed in the heavenlies, Father. Thank You Father that You roll in our favor.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“When we hit a little bit of a shift, I saw a Native American chief and I heard him. He was calling out to his people it was a tongue, it was his native tongue and he was calling out to his people. Now I don’t know what he was saying but it was a call specifically. I saw him and I heard that native sound to awaken the Native Americans here in this land.”


“I need to say something. I keep seeing that root and I was talking about and what the Lord was showing me and what I heard Him just say, you’ve been going after the fruit. It’s time to get to the root. And that’s all He said.”


“I heard taproot again at some point so that maybe would confirm what you’re saying. I heard taproot again.”


“I know we’re moving prophetically but what I saw, it was very interesting. It’s just happened in heaven. A Native American chief was excused from the heavenly courts and another chief came in and sat down that did not sell the people out that took up for the people. And he sat down at the chair with the Lord Jesus and he sat down and it was like an agreement was signed. There was a document signed in heaven between them for the Native American people to rise back up. And for the true people that was not selling the people out but for the true prophets to rise up. It was a huge exchange and it just happened. That’s what I was seeing. It was like I had to explain what I’m seeing. So Father we call for the true, true prophets among the Native Americans to rise up Father God. We call for the true prophets and Father God, what I also just saw at that table where there was an exchange Father God to allow destruction to come into the land. Then I’ll talk about that a little bit more but there was an exchange that was made years ago to allow destruction in the land. Father God, in that document Father God, it was released as a seal of protection for the people Father God. And I thank You that Your people, Your people will be protected in everything in the name of Jesus. Amen.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“When Ruth Ann was talking about Jesus walking down the Via Delarosa and walking by the business people, I closed my eyes and was just listening to her voice and listening to what she was saying and it was as if I was there with Jesus walking down the Via Delarosa. And what I was saying was how I just kind of envision the business people laughing, mocking in the world and Judas sold Jesus out for 30 pieces of silver. But it was all according to God‘s plan to overcome. For Jesus to walk down that road He overcame the lust of the flesh and the worldly money system. And I saw Mary crying and the disciples in bewilderment as to what was going. on because I don’t think they fully understood the revelation of what was going on and what Jesus was doing. And they were caught up in the emotion of their emotions of crying and grieving and bewilderment about what are we going to do, what are we going to do? Jesus knew exactly what his destiny was and what His purpose was even when He was in the garden and He said Father let this cup pass from Me but not My will but Your will. Because He was 100% man and 100% God. So He overcame in the flesh for us, for the Ecclesia. That when we go to war just as Jesus went to war, He was in a war. When He was walking down the Via Delarosa, He was in spiritual warfare but He overcame because He did not give into His emotion in the garden, He did not give into His emotion when He was walking down that road over the wealth. He said I can’t be bought. You can’t buy the anointing. You can’t buy the anointing. It’s not for sale. But it’s through the blood of Jesus, it’s through what He did by surrendering His will and His emotions. The disciples. I just seen them in bewilderment about what is going on? What is going on? Help me out here Lord. Jesus knew exactly what He was doing and I see Him walking down that road and He overcame this world’s system when it comes to the wealth of the land. He overcame the world’s system. We too because we are seated in heavenly places. Wwe are joint heirs with Jesus Christ seated in heavenly places. We overcome the world's system. We overcome our emotions where we are seated and we know who we are. And I got a greater revelation of who I am today. Thank you Ruth Ann. Thank You Lord. So Father, I thank You. I thank You that the enemy is under our feet because Jesus went and took the keys. He was still in warfare to take the keys from the enemy but He rose again and we as the Ecclesia rise up with Him seated in heavenly places not succumbing to the world's system, not succumbing to our emotions, but we rise up in the courage of God. Amen.”



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