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August 9, 2020

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

Prophetic Song

“It’s not all lost. It’s not all lost. But it will cost you. It’s not lost, it’s not all lost, but it will cost you. What look lost is heaven’s gain. What looks lost will never be the same. What looks lost is heaven’s gain. What looks lost is heaven’s gain. It’s not all lost, but it will cost you. It is not all lost, but it will cost you. I’m calling on the warriors today. I’m waiting for you to listen to what I say. Listen to Me. Stand your ground. Take your stand and be heaven bound. Heaven is coming to the earth. Heaven is coming, giving a rebirth. Heaven is coming, heaven is coming. Heaven is coming to the earth. It is not all lost but it will cost you. Are you hearing today all the things I have to say. Open up your heart, hear My heartbeat. Let My blood flow through your DNA. I’m calling on you warriors to take your stand. I’m calling on the warriors to take the land. There’s coming a shift, a mighty, mighty shift. It won’t look too pretty but I’m telling you this. Heaven is coming to the earth. Listen to Me and to what I have to say. Be obedient, put on your war clothes. Listen to Me, I have much to say. Not is all lost, it’s not all lost but it will cost you. It will cost you. Everything lay it all down. Lay it all down to be ready for the new. Lay it all down, lay it all down, lay it all down to be ready for the pressing in. The walls are falling, pressing in. The walls are falling we press in, we don’t back up. Lay it all down, lay it all down so you can jump through. Lay it all down so you’re ready for the new. Lay it all down so you’re ready for the new. Warriors arise. Jesus is before you. The greatest warrior of all will not let you fall. So take up your weapons, put on your armor. Put on your weapons, put on your armor. Take My word and take My blood and watch My glory come in like a flood. Jesus is before you. Jesus is before you, the shift is coming. The shift is coming so warriors take your stand. Jesus is before you. He will not let you fail. He will not let you fail. He will not, He will not let you fail. Listen to My heart, listen to My heart. Listen to My heartbeat, listen to My heartbeat, listen to My heartbeat. It’s the right hand in battle, the battle is the Lord’s. Lift your arm in battle for the battle is the Lord’s. LIsten to His heartbeat and stay in step. Lift your hand in battle, the battle is the Lord’s. I’m calling all the nations as one. I’m calling all the nations to not only see, I’m calling all the nations to be all that I’ve called them to be.”


“What I’m seeing is the blood of Jesus as a warrior flowing through the warriors. There’s blood transfusions going on today because people are aligning with Holy Spirit and they are aligning with Jesus. They are aligning with the great warrior Jesus Christ. I’m seeing the DNA, it’s not just in the DNA, it’s the blood. And the blood is in the DNA and I’m seeing a blood transfusion going on with many saints today. Going on with many warriors that have been holding back. and the Lord says don’t hold back. Don’t hold back. I’m just seeing the blood. The blood.”


“And the Lord said there’s many of My warriors and I’ve put it in your DNA. It’s deep in your DNA but as your RNA comes to read your DNA, you have held back that portion of you and you’ve not let the enzymes in your body read who you truly are. You’ve held back. You have not come forth to your position. You said let somebody else do the warfare. I’m afraid. Let somebody else blaze the path. I don’t want to pay the price. Let somebody else go ahead. But God said, I‘m calling you. I’m calling you. I’m calling you where you’ve been hiding. I’m calling your DNA to be read correctly.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Power in the blood, power in the blood. The blood of Jesus. It flows. It flows. Calling the warriors. Wake up. Calling the warriors, wake up. Speak to the DNA, we speak to the DNA. We say wake up. You are hidden. You are hidden. You are hidden through the blood of the Lamb. You are hidden, you are hidden. You are hidden through the blood of the Lamb. The enemy won’t know which way you’re to go for he can’t see you, he can’t hear you. He can't touch you this day. Oh you're covered in the blood of the Lamb. You are covered in the blood of the Lamb. You have a sound of righteousness. You have the sound of righteousness. The enemy won’t know which way you’re to go. The enemy won’t know the things I’m telling you this day. So listen to Me, listen to Me for I’m going to give you the words. I’m going to give you the strategy and the words out of your mouth and what you say. The enemy won’t know. The enemy won’t know which direction you’re to go because he can’t see you, he can’t see you this day. The blood of the Lamb is over you. The blood of the Lamb flows through you. It flows through you.”


“Earlier this morning I was up and talking to the Lord it was like I was immersed in sound. It was like sound was vibrating all around me. It was like it was coming through me. It was like sound was everywhere and I saw the horses running across the earth. And I could tell that their heads were up. Their heads were up and their ears were up and they were listening to this new sound. They were listening to this new sound in the heavenlies and they were running according to that sound. They were racing according to that sound. And when I looked up in the heavenlies in this vision, what I saw was a new weapon being released from the arsenal of heaven. And Father said, and I’ve been holding it for this day and I’ve been holding it for this age and it was this great aircraft coming up. It was like a metallic color and it was coming out of heaven and God said this is My stealth weapon. He said My intercessors can come into this stealth weapon and they can bombard everything that the enemy is doing and the enemy will not even be able to find their weapons that are released. He said the enemy will not even know what is released. This stealth weapon, He said, the radar of the enemy can not even pick up the weapons released from it. He said don’t be afraid. He said take out the supply lines of the enemy and bring those supply lines into My Kingdom. He said the wealth is Mine. The treasures are Mine. He said even the supply lines that have been held in the nations of the world, He says it’s time for the intercessors to open them up. and He says those that have been without, it time for those supplies to come back.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“The impossible just got possible. The impossible just got possible, just got probable. Gonna do it. No longer impossible. Ask for the impossible, believe for the impossible. Have faith for the impossible, we ask for it now. We call in the supply from the enemy. We call in the supply that’s been held up. Don't speak defeat. Don’t speak defeat. You’re standing on the enemy’s head, he’s all but dead. Don’t speak defeat, for your victory is here. Victory is here. If you can see it, you can have it. If you see it, you can have it, so don’t speak defeat. Don’t speak defeat. But only speak victory, victory, victory.”


“I’m hearing Jesus say, and this is Jesus and I’m hearing Him say I defeated death. I took the keys of death. For three days I was in hell and He took the keys of death. He overcame death for us. If we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ, seated in heavenly places, death has no part in us. So we don’t receive death of our nation. We don’t receive death of our state. We don’t receive death of our family. We don’t receive death in our life. The death of ministry. So the Lord says there’s no death in you. If you keep meditating on it, I’m just hearing it. If you’re meditating on it and talking defeat, that’s what you’re gonna get because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. He says to speak life. Don’t see defeat, but see victory as you’re getting the strategies, you’re pressing into what He’s telling you. And listen to what He is saying. It’s not hard. Just listen and you can receive the instructions of the Lord and not only for yourself and not only for your family but for the state of Mississippi. For the United States of America and for the nations. Amen.”


“Look for the keys. Look for the keys to open the way. He has the keys, receive it today. Look for the keys to open the way. Look for the keys. Somehow, somehow, it’s a wheel within a wheel. Somehow, somehow, it’s the wheel within the wheel on the key. Look for the keys to open the way.”


“This is really strange, but let me tell you what I’m seeing. I’m seeing the cloud of witnesses in heaven and they’re in a circle going this way and there’s another circle going this way but they’re not turned facing each other. They’re turned like this in a circle and they’re doing a dance. It’s a war dance. There’s a dance going on and there's’ a circle and the circle just continues and continues and that’s what I’m seeing.”


Prophetic Song

“There’s a war dance going on in heaven. There's a war dance to accomplish God’s purposes. There’s a war dance, enter in. There’s a war dance, enter in. There’s a war dance going on in heaven. It's turning a key. It’s turning a key. The sound is rising up. The treasures are opening up all over this land. The treasures are opening up. The treasures are opening up, releasing prosperity, releasing health. Releasing prosperity, releasing health. The treasures are opening. The treasure chests are opening all over this land, all over this land. I hear the sound, the sound of heaven. I hear the sound, the sound of heaven. The angels are here. The angels have been released, the angels are here. You won’t know defeat. But you’ve got to take your stand, take your stand. Because not all is lost but it will cost you. Yes it will cost you. Lay down the waste. Lay down your cares, take up your weapon and go right there. Take up your weapon and listen to the sound of what He’s got to say. The horses are running, the horses are soaring. They've got their orders from heaven today. They’re dancing, they’re singing, they’re prancing on the land. They’re listening to the new sound. On the mountaintops to the shores. I’m seeing horses. I’m seeing horses on the mountaintops. I’m seeing them on the mountaintops and I’m also seeing them along the coastline running and dancing and prancing to the sound of heaven. I’m seeing horses in Washington, DC and they’re dancing and they're prancing on the White House. They’re in a circle just like the cloud of witnesses. They’re like this and they’re facing like this but they’re dancing and they’re watching and they’re listening to the sound of heaven. They’re listening to what Jesus has to say because Jesus only speaks what He hears the Father saying. Rise up, rise up warriors. You are rising up. Mighty warrior.”


“And as I’m watching the horses patrol the earth, I’m seeing them go into places. I’m seeing them go into deep places in the earth. And where the sound of the drum has been beating for the enemy, I see the drum stop and come into silence. I hear the hoofbeats of the horses and they start a sound and a rhythm for Jesus. And the places where the sound of the enemy has come out, I hear the rhythm of the Lord starting to beat.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“The walls are shaking, the walls are falling. The walls are shaking, the walls are falling. Hear the walls falling. Things are shaken, they’re shaking. Don’t put your trust in what the Lord is shaking. Look to Him. Take your eyes off what the Lord is shaking, put your eyes on Him. The walls are shaking, they’re coming down. The walls are shaking, the walls are falling, they’re coming down. The walls are shaking, they’re coming down. Keep your eyes on Him. Keep your eyes on Him because it will get messy. Walls are shaking, it can get kind of ugly. We keep our eyes on Him. We have that promise. We keep our eyes on Him for victory. Stay in His heartbeat. Stay in His heartbeat. There’s love in His heart, there’s life in His heart. Stay in His heartbeat and you will not fall. Stay in His heartbeat for You will see it all. You will hear the call and rise up. Rise up. Stay in His heartbeat, stay in His heartbeat. There’s life in His heartbeat, there’s love in His heartbeat. Don’t quit making your sound. Don’t quit releasing your sound. It’s bringing the enemy down. Don’t quit releasing your sound. Don’t quit releasing your sound because it’s bringing the enemy down. Release your sound. Stand up and stay in the heartbeat. Fight. Release your sound. Stand up. Release your sound.”


“I keep seeing Jesus and He’s the great warrior. Now get a vision of this if you can. And I’m seeing Natives and I’m seeing the Ecclesia. And they are part of the Ecclesia. The Natives, ok. But this is the picture I'm getting. And I’m seeing a vast land and I’ve been seeing it all morning and Jesus is at the head of the army. The warriors. And you’ve got all the Natives around dressed in their fatigue and their war paint. Their feathers. All the different warriors, their tribes. And I’m seeing trees around where they are on this land. But where they're standing, there’s no trees. The more we sing, the more we prophesy, the more the heartbeat of God, the more the beat, the more the blood flows through the DNA. What I’m seeing is, I’m seeing these warriors. And I also saw that it’s in heaven with the cloud of witnesses. What I’m seeing is everything is being pushed back. It’s being pushed back to clear the path for God and what He has for us and what His Kingdom on earth. And I keep hearing don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid but keep pressing in because the enemy is being pushed back and Jesus is the great warrior and He’s at the head. And you know, I’ve never seen Jesus with war paint on before. I’ve never seen a picture of Jesus wearing war paint, but He has on war paint dressed like a Native. But He can wear whatever He wants to because He’s God, right? So I’m seeing every time we’re pressing in, I’m seeing it being pushed back. Being annihilated. And I’m seeing the warriors on the outside and they’re crunched down like this and they’re watching but they’re surrounded like they’re protecting the land. And every time we press in that’s what I’m seeing and Jesus is the greatest warrior of all. Amen.”


“A while ago we were singing about the treasures and I want to tell you what I was seeing. I saw treasure chests all over our nation. Ancient treasure chests. And I saw angels going and getting the treasure chests. Some of them were small. Some of them are different sizes but they were all over the land of our nation being opened. We were singing and talking about the key awhile ago. Somebody was prophesying about the key and I saw them opening. Some of them have been there for so long. But when they would open it, the sound that Ruth Ann’s been talking about this morning came from the treasures. Even the treasures, they make a sound. A distinct sound and the jewels. And I’m talking about typically if you can think about a treasure chest, I think about jewels and pearls and all this, and it is that. For those warriors, hallelujah that wear the crown of righteousness. It’s the robes of righteousness, the jewels will be added to your robe as you let the Holy Spirit transform you and align you for battle. The Lord says I’m calling you to battle this day. I’m calling you to battle for the treasures, the wealth, everything that I have for you. Health is in those treasures. It’s in the sound. Let My DNA flow through you. Let it flow through you this day. And My fire is an all consuming fire. Let it burn up those negative things that you had to say, says the Lord. But I say listen to Me. Listen to Me. Listen to Me and speak only what I tell you to say.”


Prophetic Song

“Receive, receive, receive. We thank You, Father. We receive. We receive it all. It’s not too much, we receive it all. New sound. A treasure is a new sound. We receive. We receive.”


“So for your warriors, God said no more fear. No fear. There’s no fear in Me, He said. He said there’s no fear in Me, He said. Rise up how you’re created. Rise up. Let your DNA speak and as the RNA reads the DNA, let your DNA speak of who you’re created to be. You’re created as a child of the living God. You’re created to live in His glory and to go from glory to glory. You are created as a vessel for the Lord Jesus on earth.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Warriors arise. The sound is the key. Warriors arise. Warriors arise. No fear. Lay it down. We have no fear. We lay it down. Warriors arise, arise. We run at the enemy. We run at the enemy.”


“Now as the new weapons come out of heaven, ask the Lord for yours. Ask the Lord for yours. Get into your stealth plane. Ask the Lord for yours.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“New weapons, new weapons, new weapons, receive. When you see your new weapon receive it and thank Him for it. When you see your new weapon acknowledge Him for it, receive it and walk in it. Warrior I am. I take My stand. Warrior I am. I take my stand. I take my weapon from heaven today and listen to every word You say. I take my stand and master. I follow the Master. We break for You, Jesus. I follow after You. I take my stand, I am a warrior of the King. We are warriors today. We listen to what You say. We are warriors everyday for the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. We don’t fear because You’re always near. We don’t fear because Your DNA flows through us. We don’t fear. We step out in faith. We step out with You, Jesus and we listen to what You say. We listen to what You say. We’re running with the horses. We’re running with the horses. We’re running with the horses to the sound of the Lord. The sound of the Lord. Victory is here. Victory is here, we claim victory. Declare victory. We have victory today. Fear is in the enemy. We run, we run, we run at the enemy, Fear is in the enemy, fear is in the enemy. We have victory today.”


“So just hold out your hands and receive His blessing for your generations. Receive the things that have been lost. Receive the treasures, the treasures of the ages that your family line walked away from. Just receive who He is.”

Ruth Ann McDonald


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