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December 26, 2021

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

“This is a solemn march. This is where a line is being drawn in the sand. There is no time to play. This is the solemn march and you get to choose which side you are going to be on. Because the Lord is triumphing in the land. His footsteps are echoing through the land today. This is a time of war. This is My war. I always win. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve. I am calling you to the cadence of victory today. don’t look behind you to see what you need to bring with you Listen to the cadence of the march of victory today.”


“As we march, the dark cloud of deception dissipates over us and the atmosphere is cleansed where the sound of the march penetrates.”


“The Lord didn’t take Christmas vacation. There's been a battle going on in the heavenlies and He’s been fighting hard and He’s calling His people to march. He’s calling His people to a victory. He’s calling His people to overthrow the enemy. He said I did on the cross now you’re to overthrow the enemy.”

Ruth Ann

“This is what the Lord says. You’re seeing My warheads move into place. You’re not seeing anymore of the people pulling back. He said you’re seeing My warheads come forward. The one that’s been in hiding, they’re coming forward and they’re about to match the enemy and they are about to overtake. He says it’s a march and He says will you join this march or will you pull back with the rest of My people while they wait. He says My warheads are coming out, My warheads are coming forth. My warheads are about to advance on the enemy.”

Ruth Ann

“We’re going forward. That was the charge. That was the charge and it’s coming from all areas of the globe because part of it was from Asia. So, charge!”


“I just heard the name Russia. So Lord Jesus, we just call in Your people to rise up from Russia. We call that underground church to arise. We say no fear, no fear, no fear, for the King of King and Lord of Lords is your rear guard and He is your protector. Rise up, oh ye inhabitants of Russia. This is your day.”


“For the Lord says My blood is your power. My name is your power. The earth is filled with My blood. Just call My blood. Just call My blood. Call My blood and My church will rise . My weapon, My weapon that I have given to you is My blood. It’s My name. It is My blood. My blood is here. My blood is here and I am here, says the Lord. I am walking the earth. I am calling the nations to rise this day. I’m calling the nations to rise this day. He says there is no stepping back. I’m calling the nations to rise this day.”

Ruth Ann

“So it’s like I have seen Jesus stand up and He is making a proclamation this day. I am the King of Kings. I am the Lord of Lords and I am coming. I am coming. I am the soon and coming King. I am coming for My bride. Ready yourself, ready yourself, ready yourself. Let all of heaven hear. He has stood up. He is standing up.”


“The Lord says I am walking into Russia. He says watch Me walk in. He says I’m walking into Korea. He says watch Me walk in. He says I’m walking into China. He says watch Me walk in. He says but I’m walking into this nation and I’m going to make an unshakable people arise. He says I’m walking into the Cherokee nation and the Choctaw nation. He said this year, I am going to make them arise and become unshackled. He says I am unshackling those people to lead the other tribes to be unshackled. He said I’m coming to the Cherokee, I’m coming to the Choctaw and there’s going to be an unshackling. “

Ruth Ann

“So what I’m hearing in this beat, this is a like a holy…I’m hearing the Lord say this is holy and this is righteous. Don’t you dare take My holiness and My righteousness for granted. You revere me. Don’t take lightly My anointing. Don’t take lightly My righteousness. Don’t take lightly My holiness. This is My glory. My glory is holy. My glory is righteous. This is not a time to play. For deep calls unto deep. Deep calls unto deep. For My name is holy. For My name is righteous. I am the King of Kings and I am the Lord of Lords. I am Yahweh. Worship. Worship your King, church. Worship your King, church. For I am holy. I am holy, I am holy. Worship. Worship. Worship. I am holy. My name is not to be toyed with. I am the righteous King and I am coming. I am coming.”


“See, it's not hard for the Lord to overturn atmospheres. We’ve just got to plug into what He’s doing. You just plug into the sound He’s making, the sound you’re hearing. He’s low, He’s high, He’s everywhere in between. Enjoy the sound of Him overturning these atmospheres today. He is holy and worthy of our praise.”


“In the atmosphere of sickness and disease, He says even though the enemy has tried to kill My people, He says I’m overturning the atmosphere. I’m knocking on doors today. Let Me in. Let Me overturn the atmosphere. Let me overturn the atmosphere in your home. Let Me overturn the atmosphere in your body. Let Me overturn it.”

Ruth Ann

“He says I’m overturning an atmosphere that has been controlling. He said I am taking the atmosphere into those markets. He says it’s going to be My atmosphere. My atmosphere.”

Ruth Ann

“And into this atmosphere we speak, J E S U S. J E S U S.”


“OK, so His presence is there with ya’ll. His eye is on us. I mean it’s almost like, it’s almost funny, because it’s almost on your backs. His eye is on us. He is listening to our praises and He is pleased to inhabit our praises this morning.”


“Welcome Him. Just welcome Him. Welcome Him into your home. Welcome Him into your city. Welcome Him into the atmosphere of your work. Now welcome Him into your body for healing. Ask Him for the next level of healing in your body. Welcome Him to touch your body. Call out somebody you know and welcome Him to come heal. Now I want you to welcome something else. I want you to welcome the prayer warriors of the Lord Jesus into your land. Just say welcome Jesus. We welcome Your warriors and we release them to work to do Your work, Lord.”

Ruth Ann

“So what I hear is. When people are going into battle, the reason why they had the drums was so that everybody could stay in time with the cadence. So, what I’m hearing is stay in time with the cadence because the people at the helm, they are taking you where you need to go. In our case, it’s the Lord that’s taking us where we need to go and to listen to the cadence but also the reason why you listen to the cadence is because when those people were going into battle, they were not deciding what they were going to do tomorrow, they were praying. As they were walking in the battle, they knew they were walking in the battle so they were praying. They were praying for themselves, for their company, for their people for their family, for whatever it is. And so as we are stepping into battle, we need to pray. Pray like they prayed.”


“So we’re going into battle and our minds, our wills, our emotions come under the authority of Jesus Christ and are at peace. And we keep our eyes, we’re not looking at the enemy that’s there, we’re looking beyond them. We look beyond them to the Lord. Our victory is sure. So as we go through that battle line, as we go through that battle line, pick up the spoils of war and go straight to Jesus. And Father, we thank You that You take those spoils of war and You put those spoils of war right now under the blood of Jesus because they belong to us now. Before the battle, they belong to us. So we ask for You to put the spoils of war under the blood of Jesus for us now.”


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