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December 27, 2020

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

Prophetic Song

“Rise up, rise up. Glory is arising on the land. There’s a new day coming, can you hear the angels and the Lord’s sound? Temperature is rising. Won’t you take a stand? The angels are singing, the Lord is reigning. The Lord is here bringing His judgments, bridging His judgements. Can you hear the angels singing, can you hear the trumpets blowing? Will you take a stand? Will you take a stand? Will you take the land? The temperature is rising all across the land. Changing hearts to see the King of Kings. It’s the heartbeat of the Father, beating in the land. His hands are stretched out across this land. He’s doing warfare, bringing righteousness. He’s bringing all things into the new. There’s fire in the land, there’s fire in the land. There’s fire, there’s fire in the land. Won’t you take a stand. Don’t step back, don’t shrink back but move forward. Move forward and take the land and take the land. Rising, rising. Are you ready? Are you ready for what’s coming? Are you ready? Are you ready for what’s coming? Are you ready for what's coming? Take your stand, take your land, don’t look back. Rising up. The babies are rising up. The Lord says I am growing them up quickly. Move, move, move with Me, move with Me. Change with Me. Move with Me, move with Me, move with Me. Shift with Me. Move with Me. Angels are here to partner with you to carry out their assignments and they will do what I’ve told them to do. Lay it all down, lay it all down, lay your troubles down. Hear the sound, hear the sound, hear the sound. Hear the sound of the rumbling, hear the sound of the rumbling over taking the enemy. Overtaking the enemy. Hear the rumbling of the sound, hear the rumbling of the sound. Take your stand, move with Me. Move with Me and take this land. It’s in My sound, it’s in My sound that when you move and when you step you will run and receive your crown. Run, run. Run into My sound. It’s in My sound that deliverance comes. It’s in My sound that healing comes. Hear the vibration, hear the vibration, hear the exhortation of the Lord. Sounds of the Lord, they cancel out. The true sound of the Lord, the true sound of heaven is released here. Dancers from heaven, there’s dancers from heaven here today. The angels are dancing, the angels are singing. The Lord says I will have My way. The Lord says I will have My way. It’s 12 angels here, waving their flags. I’ve never seen this before, but oh how neat. There’s 12 angels here and they’re waving their flags. Flags from heaven, making the sound, making the sound, making a sound with the flags. Can you smell the aroma? Can you smell the aroma of the sound? It’s the smell of the Lord. It’s the smell of the Lord. Making a sound, making a sound.”


“Earlier I saw a drill bit and I keep hearing you gotta go deeper, you gotta go deeper, you gotta go deeper.”


“I saw 12 angels come in around this parameter and they had and each one was holding a flag and they were waving the flags in unison making a sound. And I saw that sound go up like in Global Vision. That’s what I saw. So Lord, we just thank You that we’re gonna go deeper. We’re gonna drill into the heart of the Lord and we’re gonna go deeper.”


Prophetic Song

“Going to a new level. Going to a deeper level. We’re rising up, rising up, rising up. C’mon, c’mon. Deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper. The richness of your sound. The richness of Your sound. The depth of Your sound, the depth of Your sound, Lord. Sound is coming. The rhythm of the heartbeat, the rhythm of the heartbeat. Going deeper, going deeper to a higher level. Going, we’re going, going. Deeper. Yahweh, Yahweh. Deeper, going down deeper In the richness of the heart of the Father. There’s a rumbling, there’s a rumbling. Temperature is rising, the temperature is rising, the temperature is rising, going deep in the land, going deep into the Father’s heart bringing out all the new going deeper in the Father’s heart. Bringing out all the new.”


“What a team. I want to tell you what the Lord just showed me about the covenant that we have with Him. A covenant that we have with the Lord. And in a marriage, there is a marriage covenant between you (Darrell) and Sheila. She’s the praise and worship leader, you’re an elder in the church and when you blew that (shofar) the covenant of the Lord, His bride, He reminded me of the covenant. He says you haven’t lost. We win. He says to put Him in remembrance of the covenant and remember the covenant that we have as the groom and bride of Christ comes together because we are the bride of Christ and He is the groom. I don’t know what all that means, but it’s good. That’s powerful. So Father, we thank You for the covenant we have with You, Lord. We honor You, Lord. We honor You, Father and we thank You, Lord for the covenant that we have with You, Father. Thank You, Jesus. We win. I guess Jesus has already won. Hallelujah.”


Prophetic Song

“The sound of heaven, the sound of heaven, the sound of heaven on the earth. Just as it is in heaven. Sound of heaven, sound of the Father. The sound of the bride, the sound of the groom, the covenant. Lord, we will abide. We will abide. Thank You Father, that we win. We’re not defeated. Jesus never was defeated. Oh, He won the victory and we win the victory. We’re not defeated, we’re not defeated. We have a covenant with You. The nation is turning, the nation is turning back to You. The nation who left their first love is turning back to You. Returning back to You, turning back to Your heartbeat, we’re turning back to Your sound. Our nation is turning, our nation is turning back to You, back to You.”


“And what I’m hearing the Lord say for the intercessors. Your prayers, your travail, your intercession has not been in vain. But it’s literally turning this nation around. And the Lord says don’t grow weary. Don’t grow weary. For great is your reward. Great is your reward on earth even as it is in heaven. The Lord says I’ve heard your prayers, I’ve heard your cries, I’ve heard your travail. I’ve heard the sound of My intercessors and My warriors and they have come into My nostrils as sweet incense, as sweet aroma. And I am releasing an anointing in you and on this land. There is a deeper anointing to a higher level of intercession the Lord says I’m taking you to. Many of you have already entered in and all you need to do is say Lord, here am I. Here am I. So do not think that your prayers and your intercession and travail has gone in vain. But it has produced what you are about to see.”


Prophetic Song

“It’s the depths of My Spirit, it’s the depths of My heart that flows through you and gives you the words to say. It’s the depths of My Spirit, the depths of My heart that brings about the sound of unity that uproots, that cuts off, that breaks through to bring forth, to bring forth My will upon the earth. To bring forth My Word upon the earth. Nations will turn, nations will turn. Our nation is turning. It’s already turning. It’s turning quickly, it’s turning quickly. Going deep. Going deeper. Deeper, deeper, deeper. Deeper, deeper, deeper. Step into the new, deeper, deeper. There’s new revelation, divine impartation. Divine revelation for divine impartation. Divine revelation, divine revelation. There’s divine revelation coming on the land. Divine revelation, impartation for you and me. We step in, we jump in. Can you see the bottom? Trust Him, trust Him. Deeper, deeper, deeper. Deep, deep deep. Whoa. Ha, ha ha. Yo ho ho. Yeah, yeah.”


“Those of you that are watching by zoom, I just saw an angel walk into each and everyone of your rooms where you are. And the Lord says just receive, receive, receive. Whatever you have need of, receive from the Lord. Receive it in Jesus’ name. Some of you, it’s not going to be what you think you need, but it’s going to be what God says you need. He says it’s already supplied according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. But there are assignments, there’s things that He has for you and so it’s not what you think you need because the Father knows exactly what He needs you to do. So He says receive it. Just be willing. Say Lord, here am I.”


“With what Sonja said, what I got right before she said, it might not be what you think you need. It might not look like you think it’s going to look. Because God showed me something that happened to me this past week and I had an idea of how I wanted that healing to look and it didn’t look like that but God did it. So Father, we want to be open to the new thing and even how You move differently in different people, we want to be open. We are open to how you want to do it. So we say it’s all You. It’s all You.”


“Talking about this week, my son and his family, my grandbabies are here. They’re still here here hallelujah. And my granddaughter who is 7, she’ll be 8 in January. She asked me, she said maw maw, do you ever see things in your home other than me, like me and you and paw paw? I said yeah, I see angels. She said really? I said yeah. Then a day or two later my daughter in law tells me they were going to bed one night at the house and my 2 year old granddaughter sat up in the bed. Her name is Ava Jane and she was waving like this. Just waving and smiling and then she laid back down. And I said wow, she saw an angel. So angels are here and they’re with you. And just as a child receives with an open heart and has that child-like faith, God can do so much. He does so much because He loves His children. And just as Sheila says, it may not look like what you think it’s going to look like, it may not be what you think it will be, but it will be God’s best because He always delivers His best to His children.”


Prophetic Song

“So rise up, rise up, rise up. Oh children, rise up, rise up. Rise up, rise up. Fire, fire, fire.”


“There’s some of you that’s got your hands lifted up and I’m seeing an angel walk and putting balls of fire in your hands. Balls of fire and you think it’s for you, but it’s for others. For you to lay hands on people. To declare and decree and wave your hands and let the fire burn. Let the fire burn. Let it go into the atmosphere. Hallelujah.”


Prophetic Song

“Rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up. We’re rising to a higher level. We’re rising up to a higher level. Rise. Rising up to a higher level. Rise up, rise up. A new thing, whoa. Rise up. Rise. Rise up.”


“I’m just going to ask, is somebody out there lighting matches or candles or is Deborah doing something with the children? Because just that last little bit, I caught the aroma. It was like a fragrance. It was like anointing oil or something, but it was like that fire like a match had been lit. There was a fire smell in the midst of the anointing. Did anybody else catch that?”


“I saw the fire. So Father, right now in the name of Yeshua Hamashiach, we thank You Father, that You have taken us into a deeper level. Father, a higher level with You this morning. We thank You, Father God for what You are doing in us and across Your body, the Ecclesia and this land. Father, We thank You for Your Presence, for Your holy fire, we thank You for Your aroma. We thank You Father for the angels that are here. The 12 angels that are here with their flags. And Father, we thank You. We praise You, we honor You today and everyday, in the name of Jesus.”


“As we were finishing, I saw Jesus dressed in armor and He was standing and so it’s like the singe of victory is His aroma. It’s like I heard Him shout victory.”



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