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December 6, 2020

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

“Shift, shift, shift, shift, shift. Ho, ho, ho. Whoa, whoa. Going deeper, deeper and deeper. Going deeper, deeper, deeper. Whoa, whoa. Praise Him, praise Him all ye people. Praise Him, praise Him all ye people. Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him all ye people. Exalt Him, exalt Him. Whoa, whoa, whoa.”


“We declare this day, and everyday actually that we are inviting the Lord into our lives, into our homes, into our offices, into our families. And as we march in through the doors, we march in as soldiers in His army. Soldiers that are waiting for the strategies of warfare. Soldiers that come in looking for the strategy. We’re not wanting the strategy, we are looking for it. We are ready, we are prepared. And we come to You today Lord, and we thank You.”


“And so Father, we come in as soldiers looking for the strategies, Father and Your sound. The sound of heaven is in this place, Father. We release this sound from this place into the land, into Neshoba County, into the state of Mississippi. All throughout our nation and the nations. We release Your sound, in the name of Yeshua Hamashiach, Father God. In Jesus’ name.”


“We breathe You in, we breathe You out. We breathe You in oh God. We breathe You out, we breathe You in. We breathe You out, oh God. Oh we breathe You in, we breathe You out. The sound of heaven, that opens up the doors that cause us to shout. We breathe You in, we breathe You out, we breathe You in, we breathe You out. Let your sound go throughout the land. Rising up, with Your divine plan. Oh, we breathe You in, we breathe You out. And You cause us to shout. The sound of heaven, the sound of heaven, the sound of heaven, the sound of heaven. Rising up, we’re rising up to take the land. We’re rising up to take God’s divine plan. We’re rising up, we’re rising up to take our stand. We’re rising up, we’re rising up and taking the land with the sound of heaven. Yes, it will be the sound of heaven that sets the captives free. We’re rising up, we’re rising up to take the land. We’re rising up, we’re rising up and taking our stand. Taking our stand, taking our stand to take the land for God’s divine plan. Whoa, whoa, whoa. We celebrate Jesus. Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate. Celebrate His power, celebrate His goodness. Celebrate the goodness of the Lord. Celebrate His power, celebrate His goodness, celebrate the joy of the Lord. Voice of the Lord thunders over the waters. The voice of the Lord thunders over the waters, the voice of the Lord thunders over the waters. Voice of the Lord thunders over the waters. Deeper, press in for deeper. Press in, press in for deeper. Breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough to the next level we say. Breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough to the next level. We say breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough. Breakthrough, breakthrough. Lord of the breakthrough. Breakthrough, the Lord’s breaking the backbone of the enemy. He’s breaking, He’s breaking, He’s breaking the land. He’s taking the land. He’s breaking the backbone of the enemy. Breaking the obstacles that you may see. He’s breaking, He’s breaking, there’s a breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough.”


“What I’m seeing, I’m seeing that dragon and I’m seeing the backbone of the dragon being broken. You know when there’s a broken bone, it’s hard to get up. And I’m seeing that backbone being broken in the spirit realm of that dragon. Hallelujah! Hallelujah and it will not go back together in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah!”


Prophetic Song

“Breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Heaven to earth, heaven to earth, heaven to earth. We’re pulling down heaven to earth, heaven to earth. We’re pulling down, heaven to earth, heaven to earth, heaven to earth, heaven to earth, heaven to earth, we’re pulling down, pulling down. The sound. Whoa. whoa, whoa.”


“I’m going to quit analyzing what I’m seeing. But what I’m seeing from this place, I’m seeing the earth crack. It’s like earthquakes that are happening. I’m seeing cracks go up to the state of Washington. I’m seeing cracks go up to Washington D.C. and it’s like the beat, the reverberation of the sound is cracking that which has been hard and calloused and in that cracking, the depths of the Spirit are churning from the depths of the earth and the glory of God is coming from the depths. Depths that we have not yet seen. Keep on, keep on praising Me because the cracks are widening. My glory is coming. I am rumbling. The ground is rumbling, rumbling, rumbling, rumbling in Jesus’ name.”


“Hear the rumble, do you feel it? Feel the rumble. It’s a glory rumble, glory rumble. Hear the rumble. Whoa. Hear the rumble. Can you feel it? Feel the rumble. It’s a glory rumble.”


“I’m going to tell you what I saw and what I heard. After Laurita got up here and did what she did, I saw 12 military angels come in here and they’re over here. And I said Lord, why are they here? And He says to give you the report that the judgments have been served. You know I saw that a while back, several weeks ago. I prophesied about the angels, the army angels that I saw in heaven. The military and they’re here and there were 12 and there’s 12 here. And their reports, the judgments have been served.”


“And so at that time, after Laurita did what she did, I started seeing like a cloud that’s come in. It was like a fog. But it wasn’t a dirty fog. It was a clean, bright fog. No, it was clouds. The clouds started rolling in.”


“OK, I’m hearing the Lord say the reason they were brought here is because of what was spoken and what was shown weeks ago about the army angels in the court of heaven and the court of heaven was sent out and so the Lord brought them here to give us a report of what was done. And He says it’s been done and in the days ahead you are going to see the rumbling of the earth and the cracks have been widened. My glory will come forth and you will see in the natural things being done like never before. He says get ready, get ready, get ready and prepare your heart to receive what I am about to do, what I am about to do says the Lord. For the judgments have been served and it can not be revoked.”


“And what I was seeing after the breath, or sensing, was the Lion of the tribe of Judah roaring. I was asking the Lord if I was supposed to roar but it was like a roar was being released and that roar, I don’t know all that it means but I know it’s about boundaries and it’s about telling the enemy to get out when the lion roars. Setting boundaries, removing from whatever the boundary is. Removing the enemy.”


“And the Lord says over the last 165 years, there’s been 12 righteous people taken out of the earth before their time. When they were doing My work, the Lord said. When they were changing things and they were moving things in the direction that I was wanting the earth to go. And the enemy used the killing of these 12 righteous people to change times and seasons, to delay times and seasons and not have the preparation made in the earth that I was preparing to be done. He says but I will release My voice to speak into the earth and you will hear. You will hear things go back in history. You will hear historical accounts brought up and He says don’t deny them when you hear them. You will hear researchers start to bring forward what people were actually attempting to accomplish. He says don’t reject it. He says it’s My voice. He says My voice is going to come through the airwaves but it will not come through the news channels. He says it will come through social media. It will be spoken on the different social medias where you will hear the voice of what was taken out of the earth and what must be re-established in the earth to bring My glory.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“If you put Rain and Santi together, there’s 12 of us here.”


“When she first breathed into the microphone, I had my eyes closed. and I was confused. The sound confused me at first and I’m going where did it come from? And I had to open my eyes to see. And so Father God, in the name of Jesus, I’m asking, Father God, when Your breath is being released and the confusion that is sent, Father God. I thank You, Father God, that the ones that need to be confused will be confused but the ones that need to see and hear and to understand the sound of Your voice Father God, they will rise up Father God. They will rise up, Father God and they will war and they will fight for Your Kingdom to be established in this earth, Father God in the name of Jesus. That Your glory will reign in this place, Father God. Your glory will reign in this land Father God and the sound of praise will raise up, Father God and I thank You Father God for what You are going to accomplish Father God with the sound and the breath of Your voice, Father God as it roars and rumbles and stirs, Father God. And the demonic, it stirs and it confuses the demonic Father God and things are revealed and the light comes on Father God. The light and the darkness Father God reveals the ugliness and reveals the truth, Father God . And I thank You Father God, in the name of Jesus that Your glory will rise from the earth and the cracks of the earth, Father God. That Your glory will rise Father God.”


Prophetic Song

“Glory arise, breath arise, glory arise, glory arise, glory arise. Oh breath of God. Glory arise, Your glory arise out of the earth. Oh breath of God. Glory arise, glory arise, glory arise, oh breath of God arise. Glory arise, glory arise, glory arise from the earth, oh breath of God. Glory arise, glory arise now, breath of God spread over the earth. Spread over the earth, spread over the sea, spread over the water. Spread over the earth, oh breath of God arise. Arise. Glory arise. Keys to the kingdom. I see the keys to the Kingdom. He's laying them upon our shoulders. The keys we need for the next step. The keys we need to open the way, they’re coming down. Receive. Glory arise, glory arise, glory arise, oh breath of God. Glory arise, glory arise, glory arise, oh breath of God. Glory arise, glory arise, glory arise. Oh breath of God, arise. Can you hear the rumble? Can you feel the rumble? Can you hear the rumble? Oh the glory, it’s rising up. Can you hear the rumble? Can you feel the rumble? Can you hear the rumble? The glory. It’s rising up. It’s rising up from the earth. It’s rising up from the sea. It’s rising up in the earth. Oh spread over , spread over from Washington to Washington. spread over to Philadelphia, PA. Spread over. Arise from sea to shining sea arise. From the lands to the trees to the mountain tops to the depths of the earth arise. From sea to sea to shining sea from the deeps of the land, arise, arise, arise. I can feel the rumble I can feel the rumble of the glory of the Lord. Arise. The glory of the Lord is arising. I can feel the rumble, the rumble. I can feel it, I can feel it. I can see it from sea to shining sea. Whoa. Arise, arise, arise, arise. Arise, arise. From sea to shining sea. From Canada to Mexico, sea to shining sea. From Canada to Mexico, from sea to shining sea. All the way from Alabama up to Tennessee, all the way to Mississippi and yes it will be. All the way to Alabama. From sea to shining sea. The gulf coast, the gulf coast. The gates are open wide. Arise, arise. From California, from sea to shining sea, from the west coast to the east coast from the north and the south, around the world, around the world the rumbling is coming. Can you feel it? I can feel it. The rumbling of the glory of the Lord will drive out the enemy. Arise. Alabama, Tennessee arise, Mississippi arise, Arizona arise, Georgia arise, Wisconsin arise. From sea to shining sea, it's the glory of the Lord. It’s the glory and the rumbling of the sea. Oh. Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, I’m speaking to you today. I’m saying and I’m decreeing exactly what the Lord has to say. Pennsylvania arise. Pennsylvania arise. Arise and harken to the Lord. Arise and harken to the rumbling, the rumbling of the Lord. I’m hearing no more gators in the lake. No more gators in the lake, no more gators in the lake. They’re being exposed and exterminated. Florida, Florida, arise and see the Lord. Florida, Florida, take your sound. Take your sound and take the land. Florida, Florida take your stand. Arise and hear what the sound of the Lord is saying. Arise. New Orleans, Mexico, this is for you.


“I’m not quite sure why the Lord is showing me this but I’m going to be obedient, ok. So ya’ll don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, ok. But I’m hearing Bohemian grove. So I call to you, Bohemian Grove in California, in Jesus’ name and I say your structure is coming down. Lilith, you’re coming down in the name of Yeshua Hamashiach. You’re coming down and I decree and declare in the name of Jesus that no more, no more. No more, no more, no more mockery of the Lord Jesus Christ. For the Lion of the tribe of Judah has breathed over you this day burning down your structures that have held people in bondage and our nation in bondage in Jesus’ name. So Bohemian Grove, in California, this is for you.”


Prophetic Song

“We release the fire, we release You fire Father God. We release Your fire, burn it up, burn it up, burn up the witchcraft, Lord. We release Your fire, the fire of God. We release the fire in Your hands. Release Your fire, burn it up, burn it up. It can no longer stand. We release Your fire, we have Your fire in our hands. Release your fire. We release Your fire. Burn it up, burn it up. We release the fire on all communication lines. We release the fire on the electric lines. We release the fire on the water lines. Purify, purify Lord along the ley lines. We release Your fire. Fire, fire, fire, fire.”


“Father God, we just worship You. And we just receive Your fire, Father God. We just receive Your wisdom on how to use Your fire. And Father God, we receive more wisdom and understanding of Your fire. Father God we receive more wisdom and knowledge on who You are and how to operate in You, Father. And Father God, we even ask for more understanding and knowledge of our nation and how this thing is really supposed to work. Just fill us with that understanding and knowledge. Father God, where we haven’t understood what we’re living in Father God and how we’re supposed to work in this, Father God. Give us an understanding, Father God. And give us wisdom, Father God on how to understand it and how to use it. I thank You for this Father, in the name of Jesus.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“Father God, in the name of Yeshua Hamashiach, Father, I thank You for the reconstruction. I thank You Father, that You have all the supplies that are needed because You have met all of our needs according to Your riches in glory, Father. That we are not lacking any supply to rebuild, Father. So Father, I thank You for the reconstruction that You’re doing in every one of our lives individually, corporately, on a national level, Father. I thank You for the reconstruction of the land, Father. And Father I thank You that we will respond to the cry of the land for redemption. For redemption, Father. And we thank You Father, that You are making all things new. Hallelujah for the new reconstruction in Jesus’ name.”


“And this is what I’m hearing the Lord say. Let Me reconstruct your DNA where your generations in times gone by have distorted and contaminated the right construction that I ordained and created before the foundations of the world in you and through you. Let Me reconstruct your DNA. As I am reconstructing the DNA of the land to the true sound of My Spirit and My creative power. For I am reconstructing your DNA to produce the right sound to produce the right things on the earth for My Kingdom. So let all the old go, let it go, let it go. For My power is stronger than your past. I am reconstructing your DNA all the way into your brain to cause you to think as I think. Then you will see the results that you’ve been looking for. Quit going back to the old pattern. Quit going back to the old and step into the new. For I am reconstructing and I am redeeming that which was in your bloodline that I called forth when I spoke you into existence when I had you on My mind, says the Lord. So let Me do this. Yield, yield, yield, in Jesus’ name.”



“OK, I’ve heard this 3 times, so I’m going to release it because in this song it says, and the second time we go through it says these words are trustworthy and true. In our DNA, and this is what I’m seeing and I’m hearing, what causes, ya’ll love me anyway because I’m still processing this as I hear it. In the world’s atmosphere and the negative words in our society that we take up on ourself and we receive within our DNA causes sickness and disease. It causes a negative mindset, it causes poverty and it keeps us at a low, low level. And I heard the Lord say trustworthy and true. The truth of who God says you are is what He will use to reconstruct your DNA because it’s the truth that will stand in the face of darkness in anything that we come in contact with. So the more we take in, the Word of God, the bread of life, as more as we come and eat of Him and His Word, the more our DNA is changed The more our mentality is changed and the more we come up against the enemy of this world and the thoughts and words that want to program our DNA to work towards the enemy to be downcast and to annihilate us and take us out, we will come and we will stand and we will possess everything that God has for us and individually and corporately in Jesus’ name. So Father, I thank You for changing and reconstructing the DNA on this property where Global Vision sits in the name of Yeshua Hamashiach. I thank You Father for changing and reconstructing the DNA in Neshoba County, in Mississippi and every state throughout this nation and the nations. Father, I thank You for the reconstruction of the DNA in the land and in the DNA of each individual and in the body of Christ in Jesus’ name. That false, lying DNA of religion in Jesus’ name comes down now in Jesus’ name, in Jesus’ name. And Father I thank You for the reconstruction of the DNA of holiness, of purity of love and of glory within the Ecclesia and within each and every one of us, in Jesus’ name.”


“And I have sat on this way too long, way too long. Laurita when you were blowing, I saw the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. I’m just going to share both things that I saw. I saw the Lion of the tribe of Judah and He was in California and He was blowing His fiery breath all across the United States. And then I also saw that fire breath blowing into this place. It’s like I’m seeing the fire flames on this altar. And I can’t sit on it anymore. But these fiery flames are blowing on the altar here and for us to get to that place that Ruth Ann and Sonya have been talking about today, we have got to be willing to step onto that altar of fire, and I’m speaking for myself. We’ve got to be willing to let the Lord burn out of us everything contrary to His holiness and His righteousness for us to be able to walk and to stand in what they are prophesying today. I’m just going to invite you wherever you are to invite yourself to say yes to the burning away. To get on that altar and let the fire of God burn out everything so that we can be the sons and daughters that we are supposed to be in Jesus’ name.”


“And also earlier, talking about the fire, when we were singing about the fire, Sheila was up here doing a prophetic song about the fire. I saw the fire across the water of the oceans and I said Lord, what does that mean? What does that mean? The fire on top of the water. And when Konnie just released that word about the fire, it’s the fire on us because our bodies are made up of so much water. Hallelujah. and it’s the body around the world which represents the body of the Ecclesia.”


Prophetic Song

“Fire burn on Your altar, fire burn on Your altar, we step in. Fire burn on the altar. We step on the altar, burn it up Lord. Burn it up, anything in us.”


“Whatever altars we have in our own life personally, we need to lay them on God’s altar and let Him burn them up.”


“Second commandment. Idolatry. Burn it up. And that commandment also says the iniquities of the family line, He will visit to the third and fourth generation but the blessings of those who love Him will go to a thousand generations. We thank you, Lord. We love You. We let You burn us up Burn up anything in us that needs to go. Reconstruct Lord and we thank You. The blessings, as we step into go to a thousand generations.”


“Going with what Sonja said, this morning I came in and I got the blue and the orange flag. I saw that. That fire and the water and I was asking the Lord what is that. And He said it’s the sea blended with fire. I know it’s in Revelation 15:2 and it says then I saw what seemed to be a glassy sea blended with fire and those who had come off victorious from the beast and from his statue and from the number corresponding to his name standing beside the glassy sea with harps of God and then they began to praise the song of Moses. The omnipotent, who Daniel saw. El Elyon, the Ancient of Days. and he saw Jesus, but he didn’t know who Jesus was. But I saw that and just wanted to confirm it.”


“I don’t know who this is for and I don’t know if those are still watching, but I just heard the Lord say, He said that He is more concerned about your solutions than your problems. Some people have been focusing on their problems and talking their problems and the Lord says I’m more concerned about your solutions. So, He’s got the solutions for whatever is concerning you. It’s not that He’s ignoring what’s going on, for He knows everything but He says if you will look to Him and start looking at the solution and start talking the solution, you’re going to get the results.”


Prophetic Song

“My glory’s in God. The solution, God’s already got the solution. He’s already made a plan. He’s already got the plan. He already knows how it will be redeemed. So Lord, we look to You for the solution. He’s the alpha, the omega, the beginning, and the end. He’ll finish what He started. He’ll finish what He started. He’s the alpha, He’s the omega. He’s the beginning and the end. He will finish what He started. He will finish what He started. Yes, yes, Lord. Yes, Abba. Yes, Lord, yes, Lord. Yes and amen. Our God, He's on the move. Yes and amen. He’s moving. Yes and amen. Yes our God is on the move. He’s going to do what He said He would do.”



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