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June 21, 2020

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

“What I’m seeing is the great cloud of witnesses. The tribe that’s gone before. And I’m telling you, they’re doing a dance in the heavenlies. They’re doing a dance in the heavenlies for freedom, for freedom, for healing. Healing of the heart, the broken hearts, the heart disease, the lung disease, . And I’m telling you, they are, they, wow. Let’s join them.”


Prophetic Song

“Healing diabetes, healing diabetes. Healing healing, healing diabetes. Healing, healing blood disorders. Healing, healing, blood disorders. Healing lung disease. Casting out fear, casting out all fear, casting out all fear. Arise, arise, arise. Aries, arise, arise.”


“It’s the dance that’s taking place in the cloud of witnesses. I see the tribe that has gone before dancing on the root of hopelessness. They’re stomping it out of the land and they’re saying hopelessness come out of the DNA. They have repented before the Father receiving hopelessness through the generations and they’re stomping it out in the cloud of witnesses this day. Their calling for a release of the generations into a newness. Into life, into longevity, into their calling.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Hear the cleansing of the blood, Lord, heal the blood, heal the blood. Hearing a cleansing of the blood. I hear a healing of the blood in Choctaw, Mississippi. Healing of the blood. Hear a cleansing of the blood. Healing of the blood. Blood of Yeshua cover the land. He’s driving out the yellow substance I am seeing now. I don’t know what that is but I say it’s gone now. There’s been a yellow substance flowing in the blood. The Lord says I’m setting you free. No more poison is coming your way. Yellow substance going, yellow substance going. All poison going out of the blood. All impurities, all impurities, all impurities are leaving. All impurities, all impurities are leaving. Kidneys are being healed right now. Kidneys are healing. They’re coming right now. Kidneys are being healed right now. Kidneys, kidneys, kidneys are being healed. It’s raining down. It’s raining down. It’s the glory, the glory of the Lord. It’s raining down, it’s raining down. It’s raining down the glory of the Lord. It’s raining down, it’s raining down, can you hear the sound, can you hear the sound? It’s raining down. The land is rising up to the glory of the Lord. The land is rising up. Can you see it? Can you hear it? The land is rising up. The glory is raining down.”


“I see God healing feet. I see God healing feet. He’s healing feet. He’s taking all of the sugar that has gone into the souls of the feet and it’s deteriorating the feet. And I see the cloud of witnesses and they are pounding, pounding. And they say let your feet pound the ground. You can walk again. Healing of the feet. He says they’re so simple. He says the healing is in the leaves of the trees. It’s not in what you’ve been pumping into your body. The healing is in the leaves of the trees.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“I hear the rocks crying out. I hear the rocks crying out. The glory of the Lord, the rocks are crying out on the land. The rocks are crying out. The rocks are crying out. Glory to the Lord, the rocks are crying out. We are the living stones. We are his living stones. He wants to build on us. We are the living stones, the rocks are crying out. We are the living stones. We are the living stones. These rocks they cry out, they cry out for You.”


“Ok, so what I'm seeing in the spirit realm, and I’m like Lord, what is this, what is this. And what I’m seeing is colors. I'm seeing colors as we’re praising the Lord in song and as we’re praising Him. I’m seeing it in the atmosphere. I’m seeing above us in the atmosphere over the land and it’s these long pieces of colors and I want to say Lord is this a figure 8? And He says no. But I don’t really know what it is but all i heard was no. But I saw the lines going in all different directions in the atmosphere and the more we praise Him, the more we pressed in, the more they multiplied. And I’m not real sure what that is. The colors, the colors and I keep seeing the great cloud of witnesses and I mean I’m there. I’m there dancing and stomping with them. And I’m seeing feet. When Ruth Ann was talking about feet and giving that prophecy, that word. Julia Ann, if you’re watching I’m seeing your husband totally healed with his feet. And we’ve been on this feet thing and I was seeing that and the stomping and the feet and diabetes being gone and I do know about diabetes and I do know about neuropathy when you lose feeling in your feet. I saw the feet being healed. The circulation, the blood flow and that yellow substance that I saw coming out of your body, it’s poison. I don’t know what ya’ll have been doing, I don’t know who this is for, but I’m just gonna be bold and say quit going to the medicine man. He does not have the answer for you. Stop it! He is poisoning you! In Jesus’ name go to the Savior Jesus Christ. He is the healer.”


“So let the light of healing come through your body. Step into the light of the land. Let the light of healing permeate you. Let it come into your cells. Let it come into your blood. Let the Lord Jesus fill you with the light of healing that He is releasing into this land. It is a day of healing. It is a day of healing.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“I see the cloud of witnesses. They’re dancing poisons out of your body. They’re calling, they’re stomping and they’re saying those poisons, those poisons, those poisons that you’ve put into your body through all types of medications, through things that you’ve been putting into your body, they’re pounding out of your body this day. And they say come into healing. Healing in your blood. Healing. And I saw the Lord Jesus and He’s joined the cloud of witnesses and He has mounted a horse and the horse is stomping and they’re ready to come. They’re ready to come and bring healing to this land. They’re ready to stomp on the land itself They’re ready to stomp and stomp, and stomp out death. The Lord says I need you in the land of the living. I need your work in the land of the living. He said change your mindset. Come out of your hopelessness. Look at me. I need you in the land of the living and I’m coming. I’m coming this day and I’m stomping the land and I’m bringing my healing virtue into this land.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“ And the Lord says I am here. I came from heaven to walk you through. I have My hand there reaching for you. All you have to do is touch Me and I'll touch you. For I love My children and I want to heal you this day. Lay down the mindset that says healing’s not for today. For I never change. I change not for I want to increase you, heal you, touch you so you can walk in My ways so I’m right here. Heaven is open. Heaven is open. What is it that you need? What is it that you need? Do you need a new arm? I have plenty of those. Do you need a new leg? For I will help you rise up. What is it that you need? Do you need deliverance today? Do you need eyes to see? And ears to hear what I am about to say. What is it that you need? Heaven is open wide. I have My angels right here ready to display everything you need inside of Me. So reach out and touch and Me. Reach out and touch Me. I want to touch you this day. I want to heal you this day. And yes you're good enough. Yes, you are good enough. For I am the Lord God Almighty and I see your heart. I see your heart. So what do you need? What is it that you need? All you have to do is ask. All you have to do is ask. All you have to do is ask Me and I’ll give it to You. I’ll give it to you. I’ll give it to you.”


“And I hear the Lord saying, you don’t have to beg. You don’t have to beg Me to do something. You don’t have to keep pleading with Him and pleading with Him and saying Lord, please do this. The Lord says He doesn’t want you in a begging mode. He wants you in faith mode. For faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. So what you do when you say Father I thank You. I’m asking You Father for whatever need it is that you need. And then once you ask Him, you believe it that you receive it and you act on it without seeing it. Amen. So the Lord says to come to Him in faith and not begging and pleading. You don’t have to beg God. He’s not a beggar. He’s a good God that wants to give to us everyday. He’s a good Father. He’s our heavenly Father and Abba Father loves us as His children. So don’t be a beggar, but be a faith believer that you receive what you ask for, in Jesus’ name.”


“I just have to share what I’m seeing. That's why I'm laughing. When we were singing that, He’s making all things new, I was seeing new hearts, new lungs, new kidneys, new feet. I was seeing all of this and all of a sudden the Lord shows me Global Vision. The building, ok. You know, everything holds sound and it was like it was pulsating. The sound. Like it was breathing in and breathing out. That was just awesome. It was just awesome. So thank You Lord for that.”


“Let’s go back to the healing. So Father, the hearts that need to be healed. Physical healing Father God, today. Father God, everything pulsating with healing today Father God. Physical healing. You want longevity in the earth, Father God. Physical healing, Father God. So Father, we just come back. We come back to the cloud of witnesses that we’ve been seeing and they’ve sat down with You. So Father God, we ask You to rise back up. We ask You to come into this land with Your healing. Father God, as the cloud of witnesses as those that have gone before have prayed into the healing of their generations, Father God. We’re asking that You release a deep healing into the generations. A deep healing, physical healing. Physical healing first. He’s in physical healing today. There’s a strong, even livers today. I saw it in the back. I saw someone’s liver being healed, just restored where it’s been cut. And somebody's had damage and God’s restoring. Somebody watching. And whoever, just call out people’s name where you are that you know need healing. Just call out names for healing. The Father said where this has been labeled as a place where there’s a lot of sickness, God said I’m stomping it out today. I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming. And He said healing into this land, Father. Healing, deep healing Father God and the land will come up and the healing will come out of the land and heal the people, Father. Thank You so much for Your healing, Father. Thank You, Father. In the name of Jesus.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“He's doing a new thing, doing a new thing, doing a new thing in the land. Doing a new thing, a new sound, a new release, new healing in this land. We have to step in, step into the new thing. Receive the new thing. He is making all things new. He is making all things new.”

“That tumor has to go. I’m seeing a tumor in a kidney and I speak to that tumor in Jesus’ name and I pull it out. I pull it out by the power of Holy Spirit in Jesus' name. In Jesus name. And I say no kidney cancer in the name of Jesus. No kidney cancer in the name of Jesus. There’s somebody out there and you’ve been having some kidney problems and I’m hearing that the report will come back non cancerous. You’ve been concerned about the prognosis and I’m telling you, you’re healed in Jesus’ name. The medical report will come back healed that there is no signs or symptoms of cancer in that kidney in Jesus’ name. In Jesus name. Cirrhosis of the liver, cirrhosis of the liver. That yellow, gooky liver be healed in Jesus’ name. Cirrhosis of the liver be healed in Jesus’ name. I speak to that liver in Jesus’ name. The Lord is delivering you of alcoholism. I don’t know who you are but the Lord is delivering alcoholism in Jesus’ name.”


“So Father, we thank You that You are pouring out healing today Father God. We just thank You for Your healing. We thank You Father God for answering the prayers of Your people, Father God. And the prayer has been for healing. Father, thank You for the healing. The deep healing of the people, Father. Thank You Father.”

Ruth Ann McDonald


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