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March 22, 2020

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

Updated: May 11, 2020

Prophetic Song

“Oh the glory of Your sound. Release the fullness of Your presence Lord. Release the fullness of Your sound. He’s all around. He’s all around. Can you hear the sound of His presence? Can you hear the sound of His presence? Release the fullness of You, Lord. Oh release the sound. We hear Your sound, Lord. We press into You, we press into Your glory, we press into more. It’s a place of no fear, a place of no fear, only peace. In Your presence Lord, there is fullness of joy. Release Your joy. Release Your Joy. In Your presence, there is fullness of joy. Release Your joy, Lord. In Your presence there is healing today, healing today. In Your presence, Lord there is healing today. Oh, there’s healing in Your presence, healing in Your presence. Healing in Your presence, joy in Your presence, healing in Your presence, joy in Your presence. Oh Your glory, oh Your glory. We press in Lord, we press in, we press in. We press into You, Lord. We press into You, Lord. And as we press in, we are safe from the snare, we’re safe from the snare of the enemy. Oh we press in to You, oh we press in to You. Oh we press into You, Lord. Oh the glory is here. There’s healing today, there’s healing today, there’s healing today, there’s joy today. So Lord, we lift our voices and we sing praise unto You. We thank You Father for all that You’re gonna do so we thank You Father for the glory of the Lord. The glory of the Lord, the glory of the Lord, oh Lord the pathways are clear. The pathways are clear. The voice of the Lord is singing on us today, He’s singing on us today. Rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up and take your weapons in your hand, release your weapons today. And yes we will stand, we will stand, we will stand, Lord. Oh hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. You’re the only thing, You’re the only thing that matters, Lord. Stepping into Your presence, Lord. The alpha and the omega. Holy, holy, holy. We press into You, only You. We press into You. Press into You, Lord. We press into you, Lord we take our place, take our place, we stand our watch, we take our place. We release our sound, we release the sound that You put in us. We release the sound, we release our sound. Nothing can hold us back, we release, we release our sound. We stand in freedom. Glory, glory, glory. Glory, glory, glory. We release our sound, we release our sound. We will not be held back. Nothing can hold us back, nothing can hold us back. Nothing can hold us back. And we will not lack and we will not lack because nothing, nothing can hold us back. Nothing, nothing can hold us back and we will not lack. No, we will not lack because nothing, nothing can hold us back. Sing the new song to the Lord, sing a new song to the Lord.”

Sheila, Sonja

“So Father, we thank You for Your shekinah glory, Father God. We thank You, Father God that Your word says that Your glory shall fill the earth. And it says our sons and daughters will prophesy and old men will dream dreams and have visions. So Father, Father we thank You for Your outpouring. We thank You Father God that no one is lost. No one is further away from You than they just say, come in, Lord. So Father God, we thank You for Your glory. In that glory is everything that You promised to those that follow You. Everything. There is nothing lacking in that word, Father. We just have to know how to say, Father, come in. Come in, Lord Jesus. We exalt You this day, Father and we say come in, Lord Jesus. Holy Spirit fill us.” {Listen Sonja this is what I feel the Lord is saying.}

Ruth Ann McDonald

“As you come into My presence, there is fullness of joy. As you come into My presence, there’s fullness of joy. What I heard is that the Lord is saying don’t give into the negative atmosphere but as You come into Me and you sup with Me and you partake of Me, I will give you everything that you need. I will give you everything that you need because I’m all you need. Don’t look to the things around but listen for My sound. Listen for My sound. I’m right here, I’m right here with you and I will take you to that place where you will need to be. For I have a plan says the Lord and it’s only through Me. So come unto Me and sup with Me. Take in Me and take in My presence for I will give you everything that you need, says the Lord. And He also says do not look at despair. Despair has eyes and despair has ears and in My presence I will deafen the ears of despair and I will blind the eyes of despair. For many of you have come, many of you are saying, but Lord, what do we do about this and what do we do about that. And the Lord says come into My presence and I will show you what to do. For when I am exalted, I will draw all men unto me. So get ready for the harvest and then you will see that I am everything they need and I will be everything that is meant to be in the land, in the earth, in the atmosphere, in lives and you will see lives changed from glory to glory. So get ready. Get ready, get ready and prepare. For I am moving. In Jesus name.”


“This is something that I’m hearing. I’m hearing that the air is changing. The Lord was saying air to me. I’m like air? And it’s the air we breathe. And what I’m seeing is the air being cleansed. Everywhere we go, the air is being cleansed because the Holy Spirit is blowing. The Lord is blowing His wind into the atmosphere changing and rearranging, realigning. And He is blowing all, even down to the smallest molecule. He is changing. The atmosphere is changing. The air is changing. The air we breathe is changing. As we breathe Him in and we breathe Him out as we go, the atmosphere is changing. And there’s a whirlwind, I’m seeing a whirlwind in the heavenlies and it’s coming down to earth changing. There’s a shift. There’s been a shift. There’s a shift in the atmosphere. There’s a shift in the air, for the glory. For the shekinah glory to come and to manifest on the earth. To change and to rearrange and to reset the times. The times are changing and it’s through the air. It’s through the breath of God as He breathes on you, and in you and through you. That air will come out of you when you speak. For we are the Ecclesia. We are the Ecclesia and the Lord says to rise and shine. For the time is now for the glory of God to be manifested on the earth to see the manifestations of the Lord on the earth. Things are changing, they’re changing and the Lord says He’s rearranging things in your life, on the inside of you. On the inside of you, I’m seeing just a whirlwind in individuals just changing and the Lord is just flowing. He’s flowing His Spirit in you and and through you and there’s a change. There’s a change in your DNA. There’s a change in your ancestry line, your bloodline. The Lord says He is causing His troops to rise up, to rise up, to rise up and take their stand and take the land. Take the land. Take the land. Take what’s yours. Take what’s yours. Prophesy it. Decree it, declare it and it will be in Jesus’ name.”


“You know as we sing this song, {Break Every Chain}, and we talk about how the armies are rising up to break every chain, for the longest I would see people bound in chains and those chains being broken off but as we were singing that, I saw, if you could see the DNA of little things in science and they just circle, circle. I’m seeing the chains of the DNA being broken in our lives. God is rearranging and He is causing, I’m telling you, He is causing the DNA of those chains to be broken. The negative, the cancer, the diabetics. Poverty. I’m seeing the chains, the things that were spoken years ago through your generational line that went into your DNA and took up residence coming out of your body. Those chains are being broken. I’m seeing it a different way this morning. So those chains are being broken. When something is broken, there’s a realignment. There’s a connection to the original intent in your DNA that God is doing this morning. And He is doing. He’s doing, ya’ll. He’s doing it. Praise God. Praise God. Glory to God. Glory.”


“And you know it’s in that name, Jesus. And what I’m seeing is Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus. I’m seeing the finger of Jesus and He's in there with His finger in our DNA breaking those chains. That’s how much power there is in the name of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain. Every generational stronghold, every generational chain in our DNA. Hallelujah, glory to God.”


“Father, I thank You that You are breaking every chain. Every chain from the largest down to the smallest little chain that would try to hide. Father, I thank You. I thank You, Jesus, for the power that is in Your Name that breaks every chain down to the tiniest little chain. So Father, I thank You.”

Sonja Mansell

“So Father, we thank You this day for Your rearrangement, Father God, of generational sins, Father God. We just lift up, we just lift up people. Right now, just lay your generational sins out before you and say, Father, I am willing for You to break the chains on the inside of me. The chains of my DNA. The chains that have held me. The chains that are making me live in poverty. The chains that say it’s ok to live this way. So Father, we just thank You for the remaking, the remaking of Your army, Father God. The remaking of identity, Father God that we understand who we are. That we are not the sum total of the failures of our generations, but we are the spirit that You put in us. The spirit, the spirit that came from heaven. We are spirit man who can accomplish anything. Anything.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“I hear the chains falling. Don’t pick them back up again, we let them go, we burn them up. Let the old mindsets go. Let the chains fall off your mind, let the chains fall off your mind. I hear the chains falling, see them falling away. I hear the chains falling, I hear the chains, they’re falling. I hear the chains falling. I declare the chains are falling. I declare the chains are falling. I see the chains falling. I declare those chains are falling. I hear the chains falling. In the name of Jesus, they’re falling. In the name of Jesus they’re falling.”

Sheila, Sonja

“Father we thank You. We thank You that You don’t ever fail, Father God. It’s impossible for You to fail, Father God. And what anybody is possibly concerned about, before the foundation of the world, You made a way for it. You made a way of our escape here on earth, Father. And so, Father, we thank You Father God, that before the foundation of the earth Jesus’ blood was shed in the spirit realm, before it was shed in the physical realm. And Father, we thank You, Father God that You made a way for everything. And Father, I thank You for these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.”

Ruth Ann McDonald


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