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March 28, 2021

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

“What does it mean when you see an Indian chief with their face painted white with black? What does that mean? I saw an Indian chief and his face was white with black on his face coming down.”


“White, when they put all white on their face, it meant mourning. But let’s go to the combination. White was the color of peace. When it’s put with black, it’s perceived as a living color worn on the face to prepare for war. Very aggressive color. Black meant strength and it indicates that the weaver was a powerful warrior who had proved himself in battle. Black was also used to symbolize victory and might be applied before returning home to camp. So when the black and white are together, it means peace. They’re coming home with peace. They got victory.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“I saw him standing in front of the drum and this is what I heard when they were going over to the sound. And she kept saying the sound is not right, it’s not right, it’s not right. And I heard the Lord say it’s a new sound. It’s a new sound. And you’ve got to step into the new and not get comfortable with the old sound.”


“So Father where we have been warring from the sounds of our defeat, Father God, Father God where we’ve been warring with sounds of defeat Father God, we now paint our face, Father God with peace Father God to live in your peace, in Your shalom because we know our victory Father God. Father God we welcome, we welcome the warriors Father God to prepare us to be very aggressive. Father God we step into a new aggression this day Father God. A new aggression as warriors Father God. We step into Your strength. Strength of the Holy Spirit Father God. And Father God we are willing to change. We’re willing to come out of the sound of defeat Father God and change that we become an aggressive warrior. Aggressive warrior. Some of you need to go back and re-war some things in your family that you’ve walked away from, that you gave up on. Be an aggressive warrior. And Father we thank You for our victory that we bring peace to our camp.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“And the Lord says that when you walk in this place and you're discerning, the Lord says I am taking you to the higher level of discernment. So it’s not going to feel like it normally feels for you. It’s not going to look like it normally looks for you. For you’ve got to shift to the new higher level of discernment. The Lord says the reason it feels different for you is you’ve not walked in this level before in discernment. So when it doesn’t feel right you need to ask Me. You need to ask Me who I have sent.”


“And the Lord says for Heaven has come down and kissed earth this day. And yes My Word is here to stay. For there are scrolls that are being open this day. Scrolls for individuals, scrolls corporately, scrolls for Neshoba County. And the Lord says take your finger and rub over the scrolls and the words that are on the scrolls will be imparted into your heart. The Lord says don’t try to figure out and don’t try to rationalize what I am putting in you. For there is a divine purpose. There is a divine assignment for Neshoba County. And the Lord says for the rivers of life will flow from this place. The rivers of life. My spirit, My blood, My body will flow from this place. Where there is increase, there is an increase, there is increase. The Lord says that the great cloud of witnesses are cheering and cheering and praising Me. They’re cheering. The Lord says that there will be those who will ride the waves of my spirit. And there will be those that go deep into My Spirit and come out and walk deep in My Spirit says the Lord. He says for those that ride the wave, for you know the way. You know the way. And I am propelling you by My Spirit into a new day. And those that walk in the deep things of My Spirit, for I have much to say. For I am revealing on the scrolls this day of your life. The next level, the next thing that I have for your destiny. Neshoba County listen. Listen to what I have to say. Neshoba County rise up and do not deny Me. Do not deny what I am doing in this land in My people. For there will be those that will come to the scrolls do you want to read but they know not Me. They do not know Me. And I am saying Neshoba County listen, listen. For there will be those that come. There will be those that come from the north, south, east, and west. Take them in. Help them. Mentor them. Give them the truth and the truth will set them free. For many have been in bondage of the past. But the Lord says My river flows freely at last. For those places that have been hard and difficult you see I am moving by My Spirit and yes, it is Me. For it will not look like what it used to look like. It will not be the way it was in the past. For I have washed away and I am digging deep into the root of what’s been in this land. And you will see and you will know. You will see it and you will know that it was Me who took care of the old. The old rooted, rotten, roots of the past. So be like that oak planted by the water; strong and steadfast Neshoba County.”


“So right now in the name of Jesus I call back the original intent with the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians in the name of Jesus. I call back their original intent of God before the foundations of the world. In the name of Jesus, I call you back. I call you back to the original intent of God. In Jesus name. No more division, no more sickness and disease no more manipulation and control. No more victim in Jesus name. In the name of Yeshua Hamashiach, I call you back. I call you back. Come back home. Come back home in Jesus name. Come back, come back, come back. For the Lord says that you will see the mighty rushing wind of My Spirit whirling and whirling and whirling in Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. You will see a great upheaval. But know that it is I who is doing this. Know that it’s Me who’s doing this. For I am uprooting all the old roots of the past. I am uprooting the rotten root of the past. For they have been dead and they have been nonproductive. But the Lord says I am planting those oaks by the river. The river of My Spirit who will stand strong, who will not be shaken. And the Lord says come back to Me. Come back to Me, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians in the name of Yeshua Hamashiach.”


“So the Lord says step into my resurrection power this day. Resurrection power is a greater power than any power you can step into with Me. Resurrection. The power of the resurrection. He says there’s going to be a resurrection of things. A resurrection of things in your life. He says where you stepped out and said it was gone. He says resurrection power.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“Thank You Father God that we feel Your power. We feel Your resurrection power. Father God we step into resurrection. Just feel the resurrection. Now let Him resurrect in you what you said you couldn’t do. Father we thank You for resurrection. Thank You Father God that this Passover, we’re passing over with a new power, resurrection power. It’s something that we haven’t understood before. The power of resurrection. The power of taking the keys away from the enemy of how He’s holding you, or holding your county, or holding your place, or holding your land. Father God, we thank You for resurrection power filling each one of us. Let it come into those places that you are afraid to resurrect. Father God we let You, You Father God become our resurrection power. So Father God I thank You that You are pouring resurrection power into Neshoba County to take it back into Mississippi, into the region, into Alabama where we once were one Father God. Resurrect us in your original intent. I hear that You’re resurrecting the power of the river. It’s been used as sources for the enemy. You’re bringing resurrection power to the waters. Your intent for commerce Father. Your intent for commerce Father. God is saying I’m giving out the scrolls, the strategy to take the power of the waterways. Intercessors take it. Read the scroll. Read the scroll for the waterways. Read the strategy for the waterways. He said I’m releasing resurrection power into my waterways.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“There’s some people in here with a healing anointing and you’ve been saying oh God how do I carry a healing anointing and I’m kind of stuck in Mississippi. It doesn’t seem to go anywhere. And God says just resurrect it now, just resurrect it. Hold out your hands and just let the power of God flow. Just let it fill you. Just let it flood all over you. So Father God I thank You for resurrecting things today. Thank you Father God. Father God I thank You for rivers of healing. There’s somebody watching and you know that you’ve moved in healing and you’ve held it back. And God says let it go. Thank you Father God. Thank you Jesus.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“When Shane first started playing I saw this gold ribbon and it started from here. And I saw it go through those houses across the street and I saw it continuing on through the houses around in Neshoba County. And it’s the glory of God. It’s a visitation that is coming. It’s here, it’s coming through every home, through every home in Neshoba County. Encountering the glory, encountering the resurrection power. Encountering the love of Christ Jesus. It is moving this day throughout the city, throughout this region. In Jesus name.”


“I saw seeds when Sonja was singing and prophesying. I saw seeds fall like rain and I saw a rainfall. So I just declare and decree that that multitude and millennia of seeds just come in. And Lord I just declare and decree that the ground is prepared for it to receive and in that supernatural rain falls to blue drops of rain and the brown seed. We call it in and we call it to multiply and flourish. And that no fox is going to spoil that vineyard as it comes up and it’s produce at harvest. This time next year, we’re going to see the production of that harvest in Jesus name.”


“And one more thing I just thought of. When Sonja was prophesying, you were talking about the land and what I saw was, I kept feeling like there was something still missing and it was like finally I saw. I saw the earth uprooting all of those, you were talking about trees. I saw the uprooting, the literal uprooting of iniquity, of disease in this land. And when the iniquity was overturned, when all of those roots were pulled up, I saw oaks of righteousness being planted by the living water here. So Father I just come into agreement with that. That that iniquitous, sinful root, the disease that has pilfered The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. Father I just decree with that vision that You showed me that all of that is being uprooted and out of the land that health and wealth and prosperity are coming. It is now come. It’s not coming, it is here this day for the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians in Jesus name.”


“And I heard the Lord say that the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, He says I’m not building disease centers. I’m building wellness. I’m building wellness. He says no more am I hammering. No more will I bless the hammer of disease centers. He says I’m building wellness, wellness, wellness. And earlier I heard the Lord say, He said you will see wind go into what’s called the reservation land where man has made packs with the enemy to keep the wind out. He says I am breaking those packs. He says the sign you’re about to see that I am moving and I am uprooting through the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians as you will see winds come into areas where man has laughed and said the wind can’t come because we’re in control. God says watch. I am in control.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“And Sharon was playing the instrument that she had. To me it sounded like keys so what I saw was the enemy has a hold of a ring that has keys on it. He’s holding your set of keys and basically what I heard was it’s time for everybody to stand up and face the enemy and say not today satan and grab your keys. Take your keys.”


“Just listen to it. Everybody here and those that are watching. Just stand up right now. Stand up now and what I want you to see, I want you to look straight at the enemy. Most of you try to look at everybody else but the enemy. And you just say not today satan, it’s my keys. I take my keys back. It’s my keys. So thank you Father. We have the keys to the kingdom. Our kingdom. I thank You Father God for kingdom keys. He just settled here. Do y’all feel Him coming in here.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“Sonja’s prophesied to Shane. Everyone of you look at your keys spiritually. Spiritually, and hear what the Lord is saying to you. What is the Lord saying to you. Everybody watching, look at your keys spiritually. It is resurrection power, it’s a new sound. It’s a sound that you’re going to learn to walk in this Passover and after this Passover it’s a new sound of resurrection power. You cannot hear the old sound anymore. Where you walked and said I left that because it was defeated there. And some of you where you have been cursed from the past because people didn’t understand you. Where the church has not understood the gifting. And many churches are still not there understanding the power of the gifting. So that’s coming off of you today. That sound where they didn’t understand you is leaving you today. Some of you really need that taken off. Some of you really need it taken off of you when they didn’t understand you.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“Father God just release us from the judgment of the church itself. OK He shifted in here again. Did y’all feel that? Feel His presence strong and stronger. Connect to the power of the resurrection power right now that He’s releasing upon everybody. And some of you need to receive the sound of hope, hope, hope. Hope. Just let hope settle on you; it's the sound of hope. Let resurrection power of hope come upon you. Thank you Father for the hope. I thank you Father. Don’t look at your defeat, but look how you’ve overcome defeat. Don’t look at who still judges you, you look at where you are despite their judgment. Somebody else needs to hear that. Look at where you are despite the judgment. I thank you Father.”

Ruth Ann McDonald


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