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March 7, 2021

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

March 7, 2021

“So what I'm hearing is before we even get started, we need to go ahead and declare that the enemy can not penetrate the air waves that are coming through and going out of here from communication in the internet, the computers, the computers that are coming in, people that are on their phone, ipads, whatever it is. Whatever mode of communication that they’re using, the enemy can not penetrate and any attempt to look in to see what’s going on this morning they will be met with a fog. A fog they will not be able to penetrate. They will not be able to look into the void. They will not be able to see anything. They will not be able to hear anything. All they will see is the fog.”


“And along with that I just want to decree and declare in Jesus name that any demonic sound that would try change the communication system would be scrambled in Jesus name.”


“And in the name of Jesus, I plead the blood of Jesus over the communication airways in the spirit realm from Honduras, to the US and to Mississippi, Philadelphia Mississippi.”


“And I speak to any itching ears and I say stop itching.”


“I need to share something with ya’ll. I had a dream last night. It was a brief dream and in this dream we were somewhere and there were several of us around and I couldn’t see who all was there but Ruth Ann was standing in front of me. And all of sudden I began to see in the spirit realm in the heavenlies and my eyes were fixed and Ruth Ann looked at me and smiled. She was so joyful, so happy, so beautiful. And I looked at her and I was saying in the spirit with my mouth in the spirit can everybody see what I’m seeing and she turned around and she said let’s see what Chuck has to say. And in the spirit I saw in the heavenlies 2 buildings and these buildings were square, in fact they were longer than a square and the roof of the buildings were off and I saw these huge angels. I mean they were huge and they had these long wings that went in the heavens all the way down. I mean they were just flowing and they were hovering over these buildings. And then all of a sudden I saw, and I knew it was in the dream it was Jesus. And He was standing in front of the walls and all I could see was the backside of Him but there were multiple Jesus’. It’s like it was a multiplication and what was interesting to me and what I was drawn to was what He had on. And He had on this outfit that was blue, but it wasn’t a royal blue. It was between a royal blue and a light blue. It’s a blue I haven’t seen before. It wasn’t turquoise. And they were going from building to building and they were pushing down the walls. I saw walls falling and I woke up. So I wanted to share that. Well Father, in the name of Jesus I just declare that all the walls of bondage, all the walls of delay, of discouragement are coming down. Father, I thank You that the walls of religion are coming down in Jesus name. I thank You Father for the worldly mindsets that are coming down in Jesus name. Thank you, Lord.”


“You know in order for reconstruction, there has to be a destruction of the old. There has to be a rebuilding. You can’t rebuild something unless something is torn down.”


“You know even in the scriptures, I think it’s in the book of Revelation where it says He comes to make all things new. So we declare in the name of Jesus we are in that new season. We are in the newness. We are on the dawn of the new, the new, the new.”


“As we’re singing about the walls coming down, I think there’s many ways to look at that but what I’m sensing is walls are coming down in people’s hearts. And hearts are being receptive. This morning I heard the sound of a train. I don’t know if it’s the whistle, but it’s actually the horn of the train. And that horn was sounding. It’s not an alarm. But the horn was sounding that causes you to look up, to look around, to be mindful of the thrust that is coming forward. And I saw this thrust being the awakening. It is an awakening that is thrusting and nothing is going to be able to stop it. So I just decree right now, this day that the thrust of that awakening, the thrust of that train is upon us this day in Jesus name.”


“You know when Konnie was talking about the train I began to see back in the western days, back in the day and I see a train. I see a train going around the mountain and up the mountain and I’m listening to Sheila playing over here on the piano and all I’m hearing is there was something that was lost in the old and God wants us to pick up in new and I don’t know what that is but it’s something about the sound that was lost back in that era with the Ecclesia that God’s wanting us to pick up that we’re picking up in the spirit and taking it into the new that they laid down. I don’t know what that is but that’s what I’m seeing and that’s what I’m hearing.”


“And when she was talking about the train I kept seeing the steam, where they pulled it, the steam would come out and I heard it’s like you’re moving forward. You’re moving forward and with that steam, when they would pull it, it would bring momentum. I’m hearing it. Momentum. Going and going and going and it’s going faster, faster, faster, clearer, in Jesus name.”


“You know, I always wondered why the Natives, back in the day, Rahka, they rode around barefooted back in the day. They had a connection with the land. They had a connection with the rhythm of the land. And I’m hearing and I’m seeing to shake the dust off of your feet of the old and move into the new. The new rhythm, the new sound, of what God had ordained before the foundations of the earth. And the Lord says that what was lost years and years ago and generations ago among the Natives, there’s a reconnection to the land this day, the Lord says. And I keep seeing the Natives running on the land, running on the land and shaking up the dust of the land to hear the vibration, to hear the rhythm, to hear the frequency of the land. To make that connection, to bring the Natives into the realignment of the sound of heaven this day. And the Lord says no more will they act, no more will they respond to the old for this is a new season, a new time that the Lord has ordained for them to step into to the rhythm, to the frequency of the land, to hear the harmony of His heartbeat on the land, in Jesus name. So Father, right now, in the name of Yeshua Hamashiach I decree and I declare in Jesus name that just as the Native, the first nation Father has connected to Your rhythm, has connected to Your sound, Father, we, as the white man also connect with You in that sound and in that rhythm Father God in the name of Jesus that we would move. That we would come into that unity, Father. I declare unity among the Native and the white and every race, every creed, every color, every tongue in Jesus name. Father, just as this song says arise, arise, arise. Arise and shine for their light has come and in every nation, in every tongue there's a new song to be sung. So Father, I thank You. I declare and decree that we’re singing You new song in unison, in unity, in Jesus name.”


“And I make a declaration representing the black race and also having Native blood in me. God even in the past where we intermarried and we joined, God, and we marched together on God in different circumstances, God we join with the new. With the new, the new, the new sound, the frequequencies, the rhythm of the land. We come into agreement in Jesus name. And we cut off the old, we cut off the old, we cut off the old. We cut off the old even at the root, even at the root. And we come into the new, the new, to the dawn of the new.”


“So going back to what Konnie and Sonja saw going back to the train and the steam, so what I heard was full steam ahead. So meaning, the Lord is making kinda like a coverage with steam meaning whatever there is that you're supposed to do, that you’re intended to do that He has given you to do now is the time to do it. He has created this cloak of steam that the enemy can not penetrate and for you to go full steam ahead with the plan.”


“I hear the Lord saying don’t run out of steam. Don’t run out of steam. Keep going, keep going, don’t run out of steam. It is not the time to sit back. We are coming through. Don’t run out of steam, don’t run out of steam. It is full speed ahead. Full speed ahead. Get in gear, get in gear. My locomotive of glory, My awakening train is coming. Don’t fall back. Don’t shrink back. Don’t run out of steam. We are moving, we are moving. We’re moving ahead.”


“I keep picturing since Konnie said that, the train when it’s coming to a hill and it gets slower as it’s coming to a hill and you might not make it but you know when you get to the other side, you got it. Then you’re cruising. So it’s about getting over the hump.”


“And what I saw was the caboose of the train. And the Lord says there are those that think you’re at the caboose of the train but He says don’t you know that’s just as important as being at the front of the train. He said I got your backside. He said I’m on the caboose with you. And what I’m seeing is a red caboose full of fire. The fire of Holy Ghost. The fire of His Spirit. The fire that’s building momentum with steam. Hallelujah. So the Lord says you’re just as important as the ones sitting on the front row. Jesus said I’m in front of the train, I’m all through the train and I’m behind the train. I am in the caboose with you.”


“And with her saying that, everyone that’s watching on the web that’s normally part of us that can’t be here, as you engage, you are part of what God’s doing because there’s no time or distance in the Spirit. So I thank You Father, that we join with the anointing and we join with the sounds of each one that’s watching, that's a part of our group, Father. I thank You as we engage together that we are pressing forward and we will come into all that You have.”


“And this is real interesting because what I’m seeing is the train coming off of the train tracks going into the spirit realm in the heavenlies with the fire and the steam of Holy Ghost burning up the things in the atmosphere above the land in Jesus’ name. Wow. Thank You, Father.”


“Ok, I heard the Lord say there will be stops along the way at different depots. There will be those that will get off the train and there will be those that get on the train. For those that get off the train will be going and doing exploits for the kingdom in the spirit realm that will manifest on the earth. He says I’m taking you to different destinations in the spirit on this train and when you get to your depot you’ll know which one to get off of. There will be those that will get on because they have a different destination than you. But it will come all together in full circle bringing My glory into the earth realm says the Lord.”



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