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October 4, 2020

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

Prophetic Song

“Lord of the land, Lord of the town, Lord of the city and yes, He can be found. He’s the Lord of the land, Lord of the town, Lord of the city and yes He can be found. Look up higher, look what’s ahead. Victory is here, no more despair. Oh, He’s the Lord of the land, Lord of the city, Lord of the town and yes, He can be found. Look what’s right in front of you. No more despair. There’s victory, victory all in the air, so claim it, receive it. Claim it, receive it, He’s here. Oh. He’s the Lord of the town, Lord of the city, Lord of the land. Look and you will see Him, look ahead. Press through, press through, press through. Victory is here, victory is here. Victory, victory, victory is here. I’m hearing victory in the heavens coming to the earth. Don’t look what’s around you for it’s not worth it. Don’t look what’s around you, look at what’s ahead. Look what’s ahead and press through, press through, press through. Joy and celebration.”


“Can I share something? And this has to do with truth and our mindsets. But you know, a lot of times, we say we want to know the truth because the truth is what sets us free. But then, sometimes when we hear the truth our flesh kicks up because it’s in our emotions of what we’ve always perceived things to be that’s not the truth. So God is the God of truth. He is the God of understanding and revelation. It doesn’t matter what we’ve been taught. It does matter, because we have been taught. I know for myself and I’m speaking for myself. If I’m like this, I’m sure a lot of you are like this. Where you’ve been taught certain things or you perceive things in one way and you perceive it to be the truth and there’s no truth in it. So what God has to do and what we have to do is yield our hearts. Not only our hearts but our minds and say God, change my mindset to truth. Because just because you hear it in the news or because your mother may have told you something, just because you’ve heard it in a denominational church or charismatic church, a pentecostal church, it doesn’t matter. It’s not the truth and you’ve been taught that then you have to ask the Lord to show you the truth. I was listening to a teaching last night by Kevin Zadai and I won’t go into what all he was talking about because it’s really pretty heavy, but he said if you don’t believe what I’m saying then you need to cut me off because what I’m telling you is the truth. And I listened to it about three times and I said Lord, and I got it. I got what he was talking about because sometimes in our mind we have a negative mindset because of what we’ve been taught. And sometimes it’s just what we perceived to be the truth because it’s what we want to hear. And if you want to know the truth, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of God will set you free. I know Ruth Ann has told me many times truth and I’ve sat there like a deer looking at headlights or either my head goes tilt or either my flesh doesn’t want to hear what she’s saying. But when I open my heart and I listen to the Spirit of Truth and the anointing that’s coming through her as she’s teaching, it sets me free. And God wants us to be free. And so we need to listen to the truth about what God is saying whether we like it or not if we want to grow to that next level. Amen. So I just believe this morning that the land, that the land is responding to truth and as we step on the land. And to some of us step on different lands wherever our realm of influence or wherever we are that truth is going to. Literally that Spirit of God and that Spirit of Truth is going to come out of the land and convict our bodies, our souls and our emotions and our minds to cause a shift in us. To cause us to walk in that place of truth with God where we belong. Amen.” Sonja

“So Father, we declare truth this day. Truth into your land and truth into your atmosphere. We speak truth. Father God, we invite the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth. He guides us into all truth. All truth. And we want to be filled with the Holy Spirit this day Father God. We want a new infilling of the Holy Spirit. But we can’t reject the truth. Do you hear me? The truth. That means you’ve got to let go of a mindset. That mean you’ve go to let go of a belief system. Truth. Truth. Father God, it’s all about Your truth.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“Have you ever had somebody to say something about you? Or you’ve gone through some persecution because you were misunderstood and they told a lie or they told a little bit of the truth and they twisted it just like the enemy does? And it doesn’t feel good to your flesh? But you have to stand in the truth and your character will carry you as you believe and you trust in the Spirit of Truth, which is Jesus Christ. And you have to look at the fruit. Amen”


“So just stand up and surrender to truth. Holy Spirit, we want an infilling of You today. We want an infilling of You today. And oh Father, that mindset that we’re holding onto, let it go.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“We surrender to truth. We surrender to Your truth. We surrender to the Spirit of Truth. We surrender to the Spirit of Truth. We surrender to the Spirit of Truth that is in you, Lord. We surrender to the Spirit of Truth. We surrender to the Spirit of Truth. Thank You Lord, that You help us with our mindsets, Lord. We let go of the old. We take hold of the new. We let go of the old. We find you, Lord in the Spirit of Truth. Release the sound of truth. Release the sound of truth. Sound of truth coming from the land. See the sound of truth coming from the land.”


“I'm going to share what I'm seeing and I can’t really make a whole lot of sense out of it but I’m just going to say it. But I see a locomotive coming and as Santi was blowing the shofar it’s like the heralding of the truth of God. The locomotive of truth is riding across this land on the tracks and He is heralding HIs truth. He is coming like a locomotive fierce and strong and He is after truth. He is on the land, on this fast track and He is bringing forth His truth In Jesus’ name.”


Prophetic Song

“I’m hearing a song and it’s a worldly song so I’m going to change the words if I can get it out. Come on everybody and join the locomotion. Come on church, get up on the train now. Everybody’s joining the locomotion. Come on church, get aboard now. The train is going on a fast track. The Lord is saying don’t look back. He’s saying c’mon, c’mon, c’mon. Get on the locomotion. C’mon, c’mon, c’mon. Get on the locomotion. Everybody’s doing a brand new dance now. C’mon church, get up on the locomotion. Have you heard the Lord say it’s a new day. C’mon church, get up on the locomotion. The train is on the fast track. The Lord is saying don’t look back now. C’mon church, get up on the locomotion. C’mon church, get up on the locomotion. Glory! Toot your horn!”


“You know when I think about being on a fast track of a locomotion, I think about the suddenlies of God. God is going to suddenly do miracles. There’s suddenlies changing in our nation in Jesus' name. What the enemy thought he had won, the Lord says no, you have not won. I overcame. I overcame by the blood by sending My Son to die on the cross and it’s that blood. That blood, that bloodline, the lineage of Jesus Christ that will stand. For the Lord says, I will turn this nation and people will see My glory. They will not see the smoke of the enemy for they will see the glory on the glory train that’s coming from the locomotion. Watch for the suddenlies. Watch for the suddenlies. For suddenly, things will change. Suddenly, things will change. What is it that you need? The Lord says that suddenly miracles will happen. Suddenly your prayers will be answered. You will ask a thing and the next day, or that minute and it will be so. You will see the manifestation of My glory. The Lord says I will not be mocked by the enemy any longer for I am raising up a standard against him. For I have sent the great warrior chief, Jesus Christ. He is the head of this locomotion. He is the captain of this locomotion and He says watch My glory. Watch My glory. Don’t look back but look what’s ahead and press towards the fast track and watch for My suddenlies. And there’s suddenlies coming on the tribe. There are suddenlies coming upon the tribe all across this nation. For watch Canada. There’s a tribe in Canada. Watch the tribe. Watch the tribe. There’s unity coming in Oklahoma. The Lord says that He is bringing every tribe of every nation together. He says watch the natives and watch what I will do. For where there has been COVID, there will be healing. Where there’s been poverty, there will be wealth. Where there has been negative mindsets, the Lord says there will be the mindset of Jesus Christ. For watch what I will do among the natives. For I am bringing this nation together. Watch the first natives across this land, across this land come together, says the Lord. And the Lord also says yes, where there has been fires, where there has been destruction, for I am calling and I am wooing My children unto Me. And there will be those, says the Lord that they will not turn from their wicked ways and I am here to tell you that the Lord is saying, I will turn them over to a reprobate mind. But the Lord says let them go. For I have poured out My Spirit upon all flesh that many should not go to hell. For I did not create hell for man. I created hell for the demons, for the fallen angels and for satan. It grieves Me to see My children go to hell. But He says I am hearing about the fire. He says there has been natural fires across this land because there has been sin on the land and I have called people to repentance. I have talked to them about their sin. So don’t be discouraged and don’t be dismayed if those that are turned over to a reprobate mind because they are double minded in all their ways. So the Lord says you need to repent. Repent, repent and turn from your wicked ways.”


“So Father, just wash our minds. Wash our minds, Father. Wash our minds. And Father, dig deep to where it hurts in our minds. So Father, we give our thought processes, we give our old belief systems, we give our current belief system to You. I hear the Lord say what you think can’t happen, it’s going to happen. Where you think it looks one way, I’m going to show you how mighty I am, says the Lord. He said, look. After Adam and Eve sinned, He said I looked and I looked and I looked. But I’m not looking that long anymore. He says My people, My remnant are together. He says My remnant, I call into unity. Unity. Unity. And you will see a crushing of the enemy’s head in this land.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“I want to share what I saw a few minutes ago. I saw the heavens open and I saw the cloud of witnesses. And I saw where there was an ancient scroll that had been opened and they were looking at this scroll. And they were jumping up and down filled with excitement as they were reading this ancient scroll. They said this is that. This is that, that was written a long time ago. It’s like I could see and they were seeing the fire of the Lord. The fire of the Lord descending and they were saying this is that, that has been spoken of long ago.”


“So Father, we welcome this is that. We welcome what the prophet Joel has spoken. Father, we welcome what You said Your time would be when You pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh. And your old men will dream dreams and your men will prophesy. And so Father dreams. I know people are talking to me about the increasing of dreams that people are having. So Father, we receive this is that. Father, we step into it. We step into the mindset that will allow us to come into that realm with You, Father God. It’s a place we have to go in You. And we really, really, really desire to go to that place where this is that. And that’s what You called it. That’s what You called it in the book of Joel. You said this is that. This is that which I have talked about. And so Father, Jesus came when Herod was ruling and it didn’t look like this was that. And so Father, regardless of what it looks like around us, this is that and we step there, Father. We join Your locomotion. We join what You’re doing. And in order to do this is that, we have to live in Your truth. We have to live in total truth. And so Father, the prophets that have been raised up in the day to take us to this is that.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“I have to say one more thing. As your saying that Ruth Ann, I’m hearing the Lord say that this is that. There are no more negotiations for who I say you are. There are no more negotiations of who I am. There are no more negotiations for My truth and for what I stand for. There are no more negotiations in your obedience to what I tell you to do. This is that. There are no more negotiations. The word has been sent forth in the land today. Know who you are. Choose who you are. Choose to get on My glory train. No more negotiations. What I say this is that, you open, You welcome My fire. You welcome My glory this day. No more negotiating. What I say, stands. I am the Truth, I am the Way.”


“So let me talk to you about what she is saying. This is what God brought to me and I want you to grasp this. Even though Elijah was living among Jezebel’s rule, when they challenged him, he took a this is that moment. He said I don’t care which god you serve, there’s no negotiation over who my God is. Can you get that? I don’t care what you are telling me that is untruth, there’s no negotiation over what my God can do. Swapping mindset. This is swapping mindset. You gotta go there, but you have to know God’s ways to get there. See the children of Israel stayed at the foot of the mountain. They never walked up to learn His ways. They kept a mediator called Moses between them and God. Are you good with what I’m telling you? They never would change their Egyptian mindset. They never would leave the Egyptian mindset. They wanted the benefit of God like we want to. C’mon, preacher stay between me and God. Are you good with that? We come to church to put the pastor between us and God. He becomes our negotiator. But He also can keep us from knowing this is that. So it’s a train you’ve got to ride. Ok that locomotion is here in this land. It’s here, today. So you’ve got to ride this train and there’s no more negotiation. Will you step in to this is that?”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“This is that. Spoken by the prophet Joel. This is that. It fell on the day of Pentecost. This is that spoken by the prophet Joel. This is that. Fell on the day of Pentecost. This is that spoken by the prophet Joel. This is that, fell on the day of Pentecost. This is that. Are you in this and that? Spoken by the prophet Joel. This is that, fell on the day of Pentecost. So everybody’s doing a brand new dance now. Come on church, get up on the locomotion. Everybody’s doing a brand new dance now. Come on church, get up on the locomotion. You’re riding on the train of glory. C’mon church. Get on board the locomotion. The Lord says don’t look back. You’re on a fast track. So this is that spoken by the prophet Joel. This is that. Fell on the day of Pentecost. This is that spoken by the prophet Joel. This is that. Fell on the day of Pentecost. So everybody’s doing a brand new dance now. C’mon church. Get up on the locomotion. Come on church, ride upon the locomotion. Everybody’s doing a brand new dance now. C’mon church, get up on the locomotion. The Lord says don’t look back. Look straight ahead because you’re not going to lack. Everybody’s doing a brand new dance now. Come on church, get upon the locomotion cause this is that. Spoken by the prophet Joel. This is that. Fell on the day of Pentecost. This is that. Spoken by the prophet Joel. This is that, fell on the day of Pentecost. You’ve got to let go of the old, step into the new. Let go of the old mindset today. Take hold of God. Take hold of truth, let truth rule and reign in every way. Cause this is that, spoken by the prophet Joel. This is that spoken by the prophet Joel. This is that. Fell on the day of Pentecost. So step into the truth. Let go of the old. I'm seeing alignment. I’m seeing alignment of the truth in you. this is that, spoken by the prophet Joel. How many of us are riding the locomotion this morning? Hallelujah. The glory, the glory, the glory train. The Lord says you won’t see the smoke of the enemy. There won’t even be a residue of the smoke of the enemy because God’s glory is on the locomotion of the train on the fast track. And you are going to see the suddenlies of God move in your life, on this land and across this nation. And you’re going to see the suddenlies across the nations. the nations will open up. I’m seeing the nations opening up for travel. Ha, ha, ha. The train, the train, the train. Oh step into the new, step into the new. Let go of the old mindset. Let it go. Let that stinking thinking go. How does it work for you so far? Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Step into the new, step into the new. The Lord says step into the new. Let that shift in your mind surrender and say yes, Lord. Here am I. Send me, send me, send me. If you can’t go, send somebody else. Sow into somebody else’s life. God’s opening up the nations. God is fixing to open up the nations. You will not be bound anymore land. You will not be bound by borders by border patrol. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus I just decree and declare that the borders are opening up to the nations. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. The Lord says that though the enemy put a stop on the travel of the nations, the Lord took advantage of it among the Ecclesia in our nation because we needed to do some work in our nation, hallelujah and across this land. But He says it’s time for the borders to open up. There will be no more boundary lines to the nations. I’m seeing the air travel. I’m seeing trains travel. I’m seeing boats travel. And I’m seeing the trade and the commerce going out of the United States going across this nation. Across to nations. We won’t depend on other nations for our trade and commerce but the Lord said they will be looking to us. The land of the free, the home of the brave, the prosperity of this land. It’s bearing much fruit in commerce, in resources. I’m seeing the gold. The gold, the gold, the gold. The Lord says why have you settled for the brass when you can have the gold? The Lord says go for the gold that we are champions in Jesus’ name.”


“And the Lord said in 2021, you’re about to see a great work in tribal governments across the land. You’re about to see exposure. You will see some chaos and you will see some rocking, but you will see the exposure that you’ve been seeing coming across our nation. And you will see a remaking. You will see a remaking of tribal government where the people, the people will rule the government and not the government ruling the government.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“The train of truth is rolling, the train of truth is rolling. Going throughout the land. The sound of truth is rolling, the beat of truth is rolling. It’s even coming from the land. The sound of truth is rolling, the beat of truth is rolling, it’s resonating from the land. Oh, can’t be stopped. Moving through the land. The train of truth is rolling. It’s on a fast track. It’s pulling the veil back. May sound a little different than we thought. May not be just what we think it will, but the sound of truth is rolling. Listen for the Lord. Listen for His train of truth. Don’t just hear it with your natural ears. Hear it with your discernment. Here what He’s doing and how He’s moving. This is that. This is that. This is that. This is that.”



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