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Prophetic Words from A Summit of Generals for a New Era with Becca Greenwood and John Ramirez

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

September 11-13, 2020

“Those who are lost, those who are bound. The Lord says I am drawing them in My rhythm. It’s in My rhythm of the sound of My heart coming from heaven. My heartbeat is on the earth you see. It’s not just stored in Me, or us 3. For My heartbeat is in the rhythm of My sound and I am drawing those out of the dark places. I am drawing those out of religion. I am drawing those out of the “church”. For you will see My glory in My rhythm in the rhythm of the sound in the rhythm of the colors, in the rhythm of My heart. Just as you have prayed, just as you have decreed, Father, let heaven come to earth. Let heaven come to earth. For I am here. For I am your heavenly Father and I have heard your cries for your children. I have heard the cries of the innocent. I have heard your cries for the prayers for your lost loved ones. I have heard the cries of those who are homeless, who are bound and I am telling you, you are going to see an awakening, a revival of transformation of those coming into My Kingdom. For I knew them before they were ever conceived. When I thought of them, I had a destiny for them and the enemy robbed them of years and years but I am a God of redemption. I am a God that will redeem the time and I am drawing the lost unto Me. I am bringing home your wayward daughter. I am bringing home your wayward son. I am bringing home your husband who’s been out gallivanting. That’s just what I’m hearing. So Father, I thank You right now that You are moving by Your Spirit, Lord and it’s in Your heartbeat. It’s in Your sound, but it’s in the rhythm of Your glory that You’re drawing people. You’re drawing them unto Yourself, Father God. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.”


“So the Lord says find the rhythm of My land. I understand from history the Native people when they danced. The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians always keep a foot on the ground to keep themselves connected to the land. And God says it’s in the rhythm of the land I’m wanting to put My heartbeat. My true heartbeat that has been stolen out of the land back into the land. So Father, we ask for Your heartbeat. We ask for Your heartbeat to come back into the land that will come back into Your people. Father, the rhythm of Your beat, Father God. The rhythm of Your sound, Father God that returns destiny and restores destiny, Father God to the people.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“So Father, we just thank You for Your heartbeat. We just step into your rhythm Father God. Just step into Your rhythm, Father. Just the rhythm of Your beating, Father. Father God, we just receive the rhythm Father God. Just the rhythm Father God, the new rhythm Father God. The new rhythm Father God. Father God, the land is rhythming with You, Father God and it’s time we rhythmed with You in the land. So Father God, we reach down and grab the rhythm of the land that You’re rhythming with Father God. And we, Father God, step into what You want for this land. We quit fighting You, Father. We quit fighting You, Father. We put down our emotional stress and we quit fighting You, Father. We thank You, Father. We thank You Father for who You are. We thank You Father God.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Addressing the Native Americans

“Habakkuk 2:14 – the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. And, so this word that I am speaking, it really goes for all of us. But, I really want to speak this to first nations because of the glory that is in the land that you have always been connected with and you have always cultivated. And then the Lord gave me this word. In this new era, there is an awakening that will sweep through the first nations people of the land. And it’s very interesting because when I was in intercession and the Lord was giving me this word, the exact drum beat and sound of the drums that was happening in worship tonight was the sound that I was hearing in my intercession. And the Lord says, and I wrote it down. I hear the sound of the drum. It is beating. It’s the heartbeat of the Father’s love. And it is rising from the land through His glory for the first nations people in this era. The Father’s heart of love is beating within the land. And as I was in intercession and the Lord was showing me this word and this vision, I literally began to see that the resources in the land that have been capped off. The resources and blessing will come from the land. Then He gave me this phrase. He said in the days of old where the four winds blew and caused the scattering in this new era, the Holy Spirit will blow and converge the gathering. And when He gave me that word, I literally saw in a vision over the US for the first nations people, I literally saw a wind blowing from Florida and the wind from Florida came down into Mississippi. And then I saw the wind surprisingly go up into California and then I saw the wind go into the heart of the nation into the plains states. And the Lord says that the Holy Spirit will sweep across this land and converge the gathering again. The second scripture that He gave to me for all of you is Isaiah 62. For Zion’s sake, how can I keep silent? For Jerusalem’s sake, how can I remain quiet? I will keep interceding until her righteousness breaks forth like the blazing light of dawn and her salvation like a burning torch. Now this is for you first nations. I want you to listen. Nations will see your victory vindication and every king will witness your blinding radiance. You will be called by a brand new name given to you by the mouth of Yahweh Himself. You will be a beautiful crown held high in the hand of Yahweh. A royal crown of splendor held in the open palm of your God. You will never again be called the abandoned one nor will your land be called deserted. But, you will be called my delight in in you and your land, My beloved wife. For Yahweh finds His delight in you and He married your land. As a young man marries the young woman he loves so your builder sons will marry you as the bridegroom finds joy in his union with his bride so will your God take joy in His union with you. So Lord, we say yes. Let Your miracles flow on this first nation where they don’t even know. Go into the wombs and the places we don’t even know. So we thank You, Lord that as the angels sing over the first nation, Lord let the healing sound of the angel voices will begin to reverberate out in the atmosphere. Lord, let it reverberate out around each of them and in the land and over the land. And Lord, where the glory in the land and the resources are in the land, Lord as the angels are singing over their land Lord, we thank You the glory and resources will be released. And as You spoke so clearly today, in the days of old, where the four winds blew and caused the scattering, the Holy Spirit will blow.

This is a season where justice will roll and it will flow. And I even heard the Lord saying that within the next 4-6 years there will be a move of God of such a roll of justice that antiquated laws that sit on the legislative books will be dismantled and inheritance will be restored. So Lord in agreement with Jason Upton’s word (song), Lord we thank You that justice will roll. Justice will flow and the healing balm of Gilead is being released along the ancient paths and inheritance is being restored. Lord, I pray right now and I bless every first nation brother and sister in this room and each first nation’s people represented in this room. Now is their time. So Lord, we decree that the wounded soul of this land, as the land has cried and it’s being healed from so much prayer, that the wound in the land, the soul of the land will be healed and the glory will roll and flow and we decree it so tonight, in Jesus’ name. Amen. And I hear the Lord saying Choctaw. How many of My Choctaw brothers and sisters are here? You haven’t seen anything yet. The Lord says look what is going to unfold in Choctaw land over the next 4-6 years. The Lord says that this is a key time over the next 4-6 years for the Choctaw land. And what He has positioned in you apostolically and prophetically, governmentally for this nation will rise up stronger and more vibrant and full of the glory of the Lord than even the former days. The latter days will be greater than the former days. So Lord as a prophet to the house, as a prophet to the region, as a prophet to the Choctaw, we say yes and amen. We say let the latter days be greater than the former days and we call in the true apostolic, prophetic move of the next 4 years that will function from this place in Jesus’ name.”

Becca Greenwood

“Pastor (Ruth Ann), I’m believing God that He’s going to give you a church in the middle of the restoration. I speak that into your ministry.”

John Ramirez

“Everywhere it looks like the enemy has stolen over this past season, God says the restoration and the restitution is on the way. Over the next 4-6 years, what God is going to restore, not only restore, but there will be restitution and it will be way better than the former days. The latter days and look what God is going to do. The victory will be greater this time. The victory will be greater. The victory will be greater and the reach will be greater and the movement will be transformational. So Lord, we say yes to what is stirring in the Spirit. And we say yes, that the latter will be greater than the former. And not only will it be restoration and restitution but the reach will be further and the movement will be transformational. So Lord, we thank You for the history making moment that is already whirling and resounding out in the atmosphere. That history will be made and we thank You that it is already resounding out into the atmosphere. It’s already set in motion in the Spirit and the angels are watching over the history making moment to ensure it will not be robbed. It is already being secured in the heavens. So Lord, we thank You for those angels that are guarding over what has already been secured in the heavens. So Lord we thank You. We say yes in agreement. It’s like guys, no matter what the enemy tries to raise up, it’s already secured in the heavens. The Lord says that they shouldn’t have robbed what they robbed. And they shouldn’t have stolen what they stole. They stole from the wrong person. They stole from God’s chosen. It’s already secured in the heavens. They done messed with the wrong group.”

“Lord, I decree as an apostolic prophet to this region. Right now, I make this apostolic decree right now to Philadelphia, Mississippi to Global Vision Faith Center, to SPAN MS, to the Choctaw nation that the best is yet ahead. I decree that the enemy played with the wrong group and the wrong camp. And I decree right now that every scheme that he unleashed to rob the history movement, it is right now. We decree in agreement, the victory is already secured in the heavens and we decree right now that the transformation movement will be birthed and launched and no scheme of the enemy in the occult to try to manipulate time and try to get this region and get these people out of Your time in Kingdom destiny, it will not succeed. And I decree in agreement right now that the victory is secured in the heavens and let the sound reverberate out over this region right now in Jesus’ name and let everybody that is trying to empower through darkness , hear the sound of the word of the Lord. You’re hearing me. The victory is secured in the heavens. And every silver cord alignment and network over this region, right now I decree from this place they are severed, they are cut, they are broken and communication portals are in total chaos right now. You will not find your way. I decree again, the victory is secured in the heavens.”

“History that was made before is nothing compared to the history that is about to be made.”

Becca Greenwood

Impartation of Issachar anointing

“So Lord right now, I want you guys to just receive. Lord, we hear the truth of the Word of God that there’s a time and a season for everything under the sun. Lord that there’s a time and a season that you have appointed which is now for each of us. So Lord even for myself as I did in the midst of writing this book in this chapter in the hotel room in Ohio. Lord, I ask for myself and for each of us and all who are online watching. Lord, we say God, awaken in us this Issachar anointing. Lord, let us ‘yada’, let us discern, let us understand, let us know, let us have wisdom. Lord, let us be cunning and wise and sharp in discerning the times and the seasons. Lord, make us the apostolic, prophetic warriors You have called us to be in this era. This now era. Time that You have appointed in the history of Christianity in the world. So Lord, I can’t speak for everyone in this room, but I can speak for me. I’m going to lead the way and if you guys want to follow, you can follow. That’s between you and God. But I say yes. Lord, I say yes. I will move out of mindsets of traditions that have produced no fruit but death and division. I will move out of traditions that limit the greatness of who You are. Lord, I will move out of comfortable escapism, comfortable me, myself and I worship and I say yes to You. Lord, I cease resistance and Lord every place where I’m still resistant, Holy Spirit, put Your finger on it and get it out. God we want the awakening and reformation that has been prophesied for generations. So Lord, I say yes. Thank You, Jesus. So Lord, cause discernment to rise up. Awaken it in us. Lord, we’re woke. Lord, I say I’m woke. I’m waking up. I’m awake. I’m awake. I’m awake. I’m awake, Lord. Here we are Lord. Pick us, pick us. Choose us God. Use us for Your Kingdom. Give us the discernment not to miss our Kairos, “horas”, “ede”, now appointed time. So Lord, we say yes. We say yes, Lord. And Lord, everything that You have done in us, Lord seal it by Your Spirit and the blood of the Lamb. And Lord, we thank You for the amazing privilege to be alive at Your ordained, appointed time. The greatest move of Christianity in the history of the world. It is in Your name, we pray. Amen.”

Becca Greenwood


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