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September 13, 2020

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

Prophetic Song

“Oh release the sound. The sound of the Lord. Release, release your sound. Release the sound of the Lord. Release. Release your sound. The sound of freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Release, release, release your sound. Release the sound of the Lord. Oh. Freedom, freedom, freedom is mine. Freedom, freedom, freedom is mine. Oh. Oh. Oh.”


Prophetic Song

“Freedom, yeah. Freedom, yeah. Freedom, freedom from bondage. Freedom, freedom from religion. Freedom, freedom, freedom from the darkness. Freedom, yeah. So come on in. Take a seat, stand up in the spirit and see what you see. There’s freedom here, there’s freedom there. There’s freedom everywhere. There’s freedom in the nations. Freedom in our state. Freedom in the nations, freedom in our state. There’s freedom right here in the USA. Listen to what the Father has to say. There’s freedom, freedom, freedom, yeah.”


Prophetic Song

“This is our heart cry. This is our war cry. This is our war cry. This is our war cry. This is our war cry. This is our war cry. This is our war dance. This is our war dance. This is our war beat. This is our war beat. This is our war cry. This is our war cry. Release your war cry. Oh, oh, oh. Ho, ho, ho. There’s freedom, freedom, freedom for me. There’s freedom, freedom, freedom for you. There’s freedom in the land, there’s freedom in the land. There’s freedom, freedom, freedom in the land. Release, release, release. There’s freedom in the land. There’s freedom in the sea. There’s freedom on the shores of Galilee. There’s angel armies coming. The angel armies are here. The angels are here for you to partner with. There’s freedom in the land. There’s freedom in the land because you’ve each taken a stand. There’s freedom in the land. Freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom, yeah.”


“And I hear the Lord say My original intent, My original intent is coming up out of the land. It is rising out of the land and it is freedom. It is My people being the example of freedom.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Victory, victory, victory. Victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory. Victory, victory, victory, victory. Oh, oh. Victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory. Because of the freedom I walk in, I walk in victory, Because I am free, I have victory. Because God made me free, He gave me victory. So I don’t have to strive for it, I don’t have to try to get it. It’s already mine. I just learn how to walk in it. Victory. Victory, victory, victory, victory. Oh.”


Prophetic Song

“Warrior angels they’re coming into line. Can you hear them? The warrior angels. They’re coming into line. Can you hear them? They’re being released over the land. They’re being released over the land for the victory. Can you hear them stomping on the land? Weapons on the land releasing the sound with us today. Can you hear stomping on the land releasing their sound with us today. Warrior angels we agree, we agree. We come with you. We step in with you. We say go where God has called you. Come into agreement, we say go now bring the victory on the land. Ho, ho, ho. Hey, hey. There is great order with the angel armies. God gives order to the angel armies. We come in order with the angel armies for victory. There is great order with the angel armies, we come in order with the angel armies. There is great victory for the angel armies today. Hey, hey, hey.”


“You know how in a battle back in the western days, ok where you had the battles going on. As she is doing that, as she is doing that, I’m seeing surrendering. White flags of surrender. You know how they used to do this. I’m seeing the surrender of the enemy. The enemy has to bow in Jesus' name. The enemy has to bow to the name of Jesus. Father, You said in Your Word that every knee shall bow and that every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. And so Father, I thank You for the surrender of the enemy. That their knees bow and they acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords. That He is the One and Only True God. Hallelujah. Victory, victory, victory. Can you see it? Can you smell it? Can you taste it? Can you feel it? Victory, victory, victory. Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate Jesus. Celebrate Jesus. Celebrate Jesus. Hallelujah. Victory.”


“As Sonja was telling that, I’ve been seeing something I can’t explain it. But Sonja is helping me see it. What I see is leaders from black, white and native and instead of fighting each other, they’re ancient. Well, they’re back in the western days and back in the days of slavery but they’re surrending to each other. I see it going on in the heavenlies. They’re surrendering to each other.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“And I also saw the horses. I saw 2 horses in a thing today coming over to church. What’s those things on those horses? It almost looks like microphones. It was on the saddle. It was like 4 of them. But I saw the horses and I saw us on the horses with the angel armies of the Lord when I saw the white flags of surrender. It’s the surrender of the enemy but it’s also a surrender of people’s hearts that are crying out for more. The real true living God, Jesus Christ is what I saw.”


“You know when Jesus, He went in and He said - and I’m going to put it in my own words, He says Sonja, chapter 1 verse 1. I’m going to put in my own words what He said. He says when you’re not welcomed, you shake the dust from your feet and you move on. So what I’m seeing is the enemy is so stirred up that all you can see is the dust but that dust is not going to get on us. Amen.”


Prophetic Song

“Shaking off the dust, shaking off that dust moving forward. Shaking off the dust, shaking off the dust of the old. Moving forward. Satan’s got nothing on us, shaking off the dust from our feet so we won’t stay back there. We’re moving to the new. We’re moving to the beat He has for us. Moving forward, shaking off that dust, shaking off that dust. Shaking off that dust, shaking off that dust. No more yesterdays. No more yesterday. We’re moving into the future. Stepping up, stepping up, stepping up. Shaking off the dust, shaking off that dust. We’re stepping up moving into the new things that He has for us. And as we shake off the dust, we get a vision for tomorrow and we see what God is showing us to step into the new. Shake off the dust so you can get the revelation that He has for you. Shaking off the dust stepping into the beat. Shaking off the dust, stepping into the beat. Shaking off the dust, stepping into the beat. Shaking off the dust, stepping into the beat. Stepping in, stepping in, stepping in. Stepping in, stepping in, stepping in, stepping in.”


Prophetic Song

“Deeper we’re going deeper. We’re going deeper. Can you feel, can you feel it? Can you feel the pull to go deeper? Can you feel, can you feel it? Can you feel, can you feel it? Deeper. We say yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. We wanna go deeper in You more of You . We wanna see things we haven’t seen before. We wanna go deeper. We wanna go deeper. Open our eyes so we can see. Open our eyes so we can see. Open our eyes so we can see. Deeper, deeper. Wanna go deeper, deeper in You. Deeper, wanna go deeper, wanna go deeper, deeper deeper in You.”


“Ok, I’m on this western thing this morning. Holy Spirit’s got me on cowboys and indians. And I keep seeing the land. And you know how in westerns, I’m sure I’ve not seen this in person other than when I was in Israel maybe. But the land where it’s barren and it’s dusty and you see, I guess it’s called tumbleweeds. Where they blow, I keep seeing that. But what I’m seeing is a transformation and I’m hearing the Holy Spirit say the elements of the earth are at your command. So I’m seeing a transformation in places that have been dry and barren where there’s not been grass, there’s grass. Because what the enemy is doing and what the enemy has been trying to do with getting snow in Colorado too soon or where they’re getting floods in places they don’t normally get floods and the fire in California. Which, I know they get fire in California but I’m seeing the elements changing at our command. I’m seeing that dry land, that barren land with the tumbleweed becoming green in the spirit. And I’m hearing the Lord say the elements are at your command. You speak to them and you tell them what you want and they have to bow and react and respond to what you command because Jesus has given us all authority. In Jesus’ name. I keep seeing those tumbleweeds, and Connie walks in with a green shirt on and I said, ok God. I got it.” Sonja

Prophetic Song

“There’s a reset of wealth. There’s a release of Your wealth coming on the land. There’s resources coming up out of the land, coming up out of the land. Wealth is on the land, you see. Wealth is on the land. The wealth is on the land and God’s putting it in your hand. He’s putting it in your hand. Oh, there’s wealth in the land, there’s wealth in your hand. Oh, there’s wealth in the land. There’s wealth in your hand. I receive, Holy Spirit. Thank You, Father everything that You have for me in Jesus’ name. Father, I receive everything that You have for my family. And Father, as a part of the Ecclesia, Father I stand here. Father, as your daughter and I receive on behalf of the Ecclesia and to receive on behalf of what You have for us as Your bride, Father. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.”


Prophetic Song

“Wind of God blow. Water of God flow. Fire of God burn the earth. Wind of God blow. Water of God flow, fire of God burn through the land. Land come forth, we say. Wind of God blow. Water of God flow. Fire of God burn in the land. Call forth the land. We say wind of God blow, water of God flow, fire of God burn throughout this land. Cover the land. Wind of God blow, water of God flow, fire of God burn throughout this land. The earth come forth we say. Wind of God blow, water of God flow, fire of God burn throughout this land. The earth come forth now. We’re giving the beat Lord, coming from the land. We release our sound and join right in to redeem this land. You’re giving the beat Lord, coming from the land. We wanna join in, we release our sound. We redeem this land. You’re releasing the beat Lord, coming from the land. We’re joining in, we’re joining in to redeem the land. We’re releasing the beat, the beat coming from the land, joining right in, joining right in to redeem this land.”


“So I want to share what I just saw and I’ve been hearing. The land is releasing the heartbeat of the Father. And I heard the word combine, but then I heard Mississippi Combine. That Mississippi Combine is tilling up the land of Mississippi. The glory is being unearthed in Mississippi and the treasures are coming forth in Mississippi. That Mississippi Combine is churning and churning and churning and now is the time.”


“And the Mississippi Combine is also combining the praise and the worship, the prayer and the declarations and God’s glory combine together in Mississippi to bring in the Shekinah glory, to bring in the destiny for Mississippi and His nation. Hallelujah.”


Prophetic Song

“Give me the beat Lord that frees my soul. Give me the beat Lord that frees my soul. Give me the beat Lord that frees my soul. Give me the beat Lord that frees my soul, give me the beat Lord that frees my soul. Give me the beat Lord that frees my soul, give me the beat Lord that frees my soul, give me the beat Lord that frees my soul.”

“Ok so this is what I’m seeing. When Sonja released the word that there was new wealth coming to us and then she picked up her portion, so I need you to do a prophetic act. I need you to hold your hand like this, like you’re going to receive your portion because I see a lot of wealth still laying around on the ground. So I want you to pick up your portion and tell the Lord. You have to put them together because you don’t want nothing to flow through. So I want you to tell the Lord that you receive your portion as He gives you the beat to free your soul so that when you receive the wealth of the land, when you receive that wealth, that you won’t waste it on worldly stuff. You will use it for the kingdom.”


Prophetic Song

“So give me the beat Lord that frees my soul, give me the beat Lord that frees my soul. Give me the beat Lord that frees my soul. Give me the beat Lord that frees my soul, give me the beat Lord that frees my soul, give me the beat Lord that frees my soul. Give me the beat Lord that frees my soul, give me the beat Lord that frees my soul, give me the beat Lord that frees my soul.”

“If you’ve received your freedom, we’re going to keep going but I’m seeing a prophetic act even further on sowing and putting something in the basket. I don’t care even if it’s a penny, I don’t care if it’s a dollar, I don’t care if it’s an IOU, don’t put an IOU, or I am blessed. If you want to give online, this is a good time. I’m seeing it as a prophetic act to sow seeds into this ministry and to sow, sow, sow. Hallelujah.”


“I’m seeing debt removed. Houses paid for. Cars are paid for. Trucks are paid for. Equipment is paid for. Hallelujah. I’m seeing cattle paid for. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Debt free, debt free, debt free, debt free, debt free, debt free. Trips paid for. Somebody's believing God for a trip, that trip is paid for in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Bills are paid. You have your supply. You have your supply. You have food on the table, hallelujah. Utility bills are paid. Tuition is paid. Tuition is paid.”


Prophetic Song

“Increase, increase. More Lord. Increase, increase, we say more, Lord. More to You, more to sow. More so we can step out into what You’ve called us for. Increase, increase. More, More. More Lord. Fill us up, fill us up. We say more, Lord. Increase. More Lord. We want more, increase us Lord. Your Kingdom does not step into lack. We have all that we need, more than we need. Our Father owns the cattle on the hilltops. Our Father owns the cattle on the hilltops. There’s nothing too big for Him. We say more, Lord. More Lord, more Lord. Throw us to the more, Lord so we can be as You’ve called us to be Lord. Increase. There is no lack in heaven, no lack in heaven. We say on earth as in heaven. You’re everything, everything, everything, everything, everything needed. Everything, everything, everything, everything needed. Everything and more. Everything, everything, everything wanted, our hearts desires. Everything, everything, everything wanted, your heart’s desire. Everything, everything, everything wanted, our heart’s desire You give to us. Thank You, Lord. We receive it. We receive it.”

“Becca, may I speak a word to you, please. This is what I heard. Your ancestors originally came through Mississippi and I heard they went to Texas because it wasn’t good in Mississippi. But God said because of what you’ve sown here and what He’s doing here, what they lost is going to be restored to you and your generations. And you will reap because you’ve sown here what they never reaped.”

Ruth Ann McDonald


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