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September 27, 2020

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

“On my way here when I crossed over into Neshoba County, I heard and I saw horses. They were running very fast and it was a lot. They were stirring up the dust and what I heard the Lord say was that every curse is being stirred out of the ground and I am replacing curses with My blessings this day. The curses are being expelled. There’s a stirring, there’s a stirring, there’s a stirring and My blessings are going to come over and they’re going to override the curses that have been spoken on this land.”


“So when I was riding over, this is what Chuck is saying. He said we’re about to enter where we’re going to face those curses. We’re going to face what’s on us. We’re going to face what’s on the land and we’re about to take them down.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Blow those curses away, blow those curses away. Blowing those curses away, blowing those curses away, blowing those curses away. All of them blowing away, all those curses blowing away. Blessings to replace the curses on the land. God is bringing blessings to replace the curses. Blessings to replace the curses in our lives. Blessings to replace curses. Blessings for curses He gives blessing for curses He gives, blessing for curses. We release Lord and we receive Your blessings. Blessings for curses.”


Prophetic Song

“Curses broken, curses broken. Those generational curses broken, broken, broken. There’s healing power today, there’s healing power today. The healing power is flowing through your body. There’s healing, there’s healing, the healing power is flowing through your body. Receive your healing today. Receive your healing today. There’s healing, healing. Healing flowing through your body. The sound of the curse is broken, the sound of the curse is broken, the sound of the curse is broken. The sound of the curse is broken, the sound of the curse is broken, the sound of the curse is broken. Lord, replace it with Your blessing, the sound of blessing, the sound of life. It is replaced with your blessing, the sound of your blessing, the sound of life. Generational blessings. It’s generational blessings coming forth today. The Lord says reach down, the Lord says reach down deep and hear what He has to say. And as you reach down the blessings are there and will be found so pull them out, pull them out and claim them today. Don’t look at what you see in the natural because it’s not God. It’s not God. He says go down deep. There’s blessings, blessings, blessings down deep for you today so reach down deep, reach down deep and pull them out, pull them out. Pull them out and you will see totally what He has to say. What’s He’s going to do for you today. Walk in your blessings, claim your blessings. The blessings are manifesting in your life.”


“I have to just share what I’m seeing. when Konnie released that word, what she was saying and what the Lord was showing her about the curses being removed, I saw the Native Americans in the cloud of witnesses dancing. And as they were dancing, they were stomping and those curses were being removed off the land. But what was so interesting, I’m like God this is so cool. I saw Jesus was there dancing with the same dance. And I heard the scripture where He says you shake the dust from your feet and you move on. You move on. You move on from the past. Amen. That’s just really interesting because I saw Jesus dancing with them with the cloud of witnesses dancing. And everytime they would dance, in heaven, what was manifested in heaven was coming to earth breaking those curses.”


Prophetic Song

“There’s healing for you today, there’s healing, there’s healing. There’s healing for you today so reach down deep, reach down deep and take your blessings. Take your blessings. There’s generational blessings. The mindsets are being delivered from the world. Jesus has rolled the stone away. There’s stones being removed. There’s stones being removed of the mindset of the world. Glory, glory, glory to the King. Glory, glory, glory as we hear the angels sing. Glory, glory, glory to the King. Glory, glory, as I hear the angels sing. Glory, glory, glory to the King. Whoa, whoa, whoa. It’s a new beat of Jesus. It’s a new beat of Jesus coming on the land. Jesus, there’s the beat of Jesus, coming on the land. We align with You, we align with You. We place our feet with You. We step out with You. We join in with Your dance, we join in with Your dance. We won’t step out to doubt You, Father. We step in to Your beat. Dancing with Jesus, stomping with Jesus, dancing with You, Lord. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Dancing with His beat, dancing with His beat, dancing with His beat. Can you feel the beat? Can you feel your feet moving with HIs beat, moving with His feet. We dance with You, we dance with You. Are you dancing with Him in His beat. Dancing with You in Your beat, Lord. Whoa, whoa, whoa. There’s a shift, there’s a shift. Come on and shift with the Lord. There’s a shift, there’s a shift taking you to higher places you’ve not been before. Freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom. Healing, healing, healing, blessings, blessings, blessings, blessings, healing, healings. So go one step more, one step more. There’s so much more, there’s so much more. Receive the more, receive the more, receive, receive.”


“And I’m hearing the Lord say that down from the depths of the earth, what I am stirring, what I am stirring today is signs, wonders and miracles. Today, today in this place. Signs, wonders, miracles are coming forth. That is just one of My blessings that I have that I have unearthing today in Neshoba County. Signs, wonders and miracles.”


Prophetic Song

“There’s a reverse of the curse that was on the land. It is a reverse of the curse that was on the land. There is a reverse for blessings to flow on this land. Oh, I’m seeing it ya’ll. Blessings, blessings, blessings, blessings, blessings, blessings. There’s so many blessings. The blessings are overtaking, our blessings are overtaking the land. Nothing can stop those blessings, nothing can stop those blessings. There overtaking the land. Whoa, whoa, whoa.”

“When I was riding over here, I heard Chuck say, that’s it’s time that we became such one with God that we get over ourselves. Our self is not in the way. A curse is not in the way, our mindset is not in the way and He can pour out our blessings. He can pour out our blessings. He can do miracles. It’s time for miracles.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“He’s taking deep, He’s taking deep. We allow it. He’s taking deep, He’s taking deep, oh we allow it, Lord. We let You in, Lord. Dig deep, dig deep, we get past ourselves, we look to You, we’re ready for the new. We’re ready for new levels. Things that we have not even though of Lord, we’re ready. Dig deep, dig deep, dig deep. We want to only see You, we want to only hear You, we only want to be with You, Lord. We want to walk as You tell us to walk. We only want to see You, we only want to be with You, we only want to hear Your voice, Lord. We get past ourselves, we past ourselves to You, we past ourselves to You. We get past ourselves to You. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready for the ride? Are you ready? Are you ready for the ride? Get ready. Get ready, get ready, get ready. Are you ready for the ride? Are you ready for the ride? Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready. Are you ready for the ride?”


“And the Lord said, can you see a nation change in a day? He says you have. He said My people have been tipping the bowls and He says the bowls of righteousness are pouring out. He says can you see a nation change in a day? He says, you’re seeing it. He said the bowls in heaven are tipping and they’re tipping and He says tip and continue to tip. He says you’re going to see the most miraculous ahead. He said the most miraculous is ahead.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“The bowls are tipping, the bowls are tipping. We won’t stop. We won’t stop. We won’t stop. The bowls are tipping now. We won’t stop, we won’t stop. The bowls are tipping now. We won’t stop. We won't stop. The bowls are tipping. Hallelujah!”

“I’m seeing gold released from heaven from the bowls. I’m seeing gold released from heaven to come to earth to cause an explosion of resources that will come forth from the lands of this nation. I’m seeing it come in Neshoba County. He says where those things have been hidden and stifled and stagnant and where rust and decay has tried to grow over it, He says I am releasing the gold in the land. It is coming from My throne room. It’s coming from the streets of gold. See, I’m a God that does not lack any good thing. I’m not withholding it from you, I am wanting to get it to you. So all you have to do is receive. But there is an unlocking that has taken place yesterday in the Spirit realm that is going to release, release the resources in the land. No more will My people grow in lack, but they will take back what the enemy tried to hide from them says the Lord. For I am opening up the gates. The gates have been opened in heaven and I am releasing the gold. The gold is being released now and what will happen as that gold is released as it hits the earth realm, it’s going to cause a collision of blessings to overtake this land, to overtake this county, to overtake Mississippi, to overtake this nation. And you will see the economy rise up. You will see entrepreneurs rise up in businesses, says the Lord. You will see not only the financial part, but you will see people’s souls prosper. Their mind, their minds will be aligned with Me. For they will not think from their own, but they will bring My thoughts and I will give them My thoughts that will create prosperity. Spirit, soul and body to this nation, to the land. See the land has ears. The land has ears and it’s been hearing your prayers. It has been crying out for Abba Father to come and deliver the land. And the Lord says I have delivered the land. I have delivered the land so receive My gold. So receive My treasures in Jesus’ name.”


Prophetic Song

“Whoa, the gold is being poured out, treasures are being poured out. Lord, we receive Your treasure, Lord we receive Your treasure. Whoa.”


“The Lord says also as I have released the gold and as it comes and as it surfaces, you will start to hear news. The media will start to record, they will start to report the true news says the Lord. For I am tearing down that structure in the media and I am raising them up to be what I’ve called them to be. But listen, you will hear reports of gold being found in unusual places. It will rise from the surface of the water. It will rise from the bottom of the water to the surface of the water and ha, ha ha. Just like in the days of old, they would mine for gold. The Lord says that there will be a child walking and he will stumble on a rock and he’ll say well that’s unusual. And as he rubs it, there will be nuggets of gold for I am delivering My people out of poverty, out of lack, says the Lord. No more will they lack. No more will they lack in Jesus’ name. The Lord says that you will also see the crops, the crops and the fields of the crops of those that are planters. In the natural, in the natural produce will be in abundance. Produce will be in abundance. For I have intervened in the trade from nation to nation. For America is a prosperous nation. It is a prosperous nation and you will begin to see crops and businesses rise up and be overwhelmingly blessed. It will overtake them. They will be calling and they will be networking together where this nation will be giving to other nations.”


“And the Lord says to see beyond the battles that you face. For yes, we are in war, but you’ve got to see the way I see and I see the end result. See through the battle. See through the battle. See victory, see prosperity of spirit, soul and body. Do not be dismayed by what goes on around you. Do not be dismayed and torn down but rise up and be the Ecclesia that I have called you to be. For there are generational blessings that are rising up because I have danced on the enemy’s head and He is defeated and the dust is being cleared In Jesus name. For I am getting My bride ready. In Jesus’ name.The Lord says it’s harvest time. It’s harvest time, it’s harvest time. Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready?”


“And the Lord says you’re going to see a harvest of truth. Truth. At 5:30 this morning, God told me look on google earth at the state of Oklahoma. I pulled up google earth and I looked at the state of Oklahoma and it said Sequoia land. The Lord says you’re about to see the truth come out of My courts. He says you’ve seen the biggest overturn, but I’m overturning more. I’m overturning more and I’m overturning more until My courts will tell the truth. I see the chiefs. I see the great chiefs in the cloud of witnesses and they’re saying Father, Father have the truth told. And I see the truth coming down from heaven. It’s raining down.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Truth is raining down. Truth is raining down. The sound of truth is rolling. The sound of truth is rolling. The sound of truth is rolling. Rolling through the land. The sound of truth is rolling, it’s taken over. The sound of truth is rolling. Rolling, rolling, rolling. Rolling truth, rolling truth, rolling, rolling. The truth is rolling, it’s rolling, rolling. The blessing’s rolling, the blessing’s rolling. Rolling, rolling. The truth is rolling, blessings are rolling. They are rolling. Dust be kicked up. Dust being stirred. The truth is rolling through the land.”


“So as the drums were beating earlier and we were all in unison, what the Lord was showing me was, He said there’s a new banner that’s waiving over the land. And He showed me the horse coming out and He showed me the rider getting up on the horse. And He said this banner is fire and glory. So the rider’s going all across the land and the rider gets off and He starts tapping the land with the banner. And He’s dancing with this banner and its fire and glory all over land and the land waives a surrender flag. A white flag of surrender. And as you were talking about the new banner coming over, what He showed me was this thing. You know how you have these funnel/tunnel things, kinda semi-circle with the water comes pouring out. So the water comes pouring out and there’s a blue banner. It’s draped and kind of a robe underneath that. So the water’s coming out and this woman comes out and she does a flip and she lands out on the land and she looks real tattered and He said, I’ve taken the poverty out. I’ve taken the poverty out.”


Prophetic Song

“Poverty’s coming out, poverty’s coming out, poverty’s coming out, poverty’s coming out. Poverty’s coming out, poverty’s coming out.”

“Claim it, claim it with every beat of the drum. Claim it. Everybody claim it.”


Prophetic Song

“We claim it, we receive it. We claim it, we receive it. Poverty’s coming out. We claim it, we receive it. Prosperity is here, prosperity is here. We claim it, we receive it. Poverty has to go, poverty is leaving, poverty is leaving. The curse of poverty, the curse of poverty is leaving. Pull it out of your mindset, pull it out of your heart, pull it out of your feet. Pull it out of your mindset, pull it out of your heart. Pull it out of your feet and the work of your hands. We say pull it out of your mindset, pull it out of your heart. Pull it out of your feet, it’s got to go. The Lord is moving here. Pull it out of your mindset, pull it out of your heart, pull it out of your feet. So we walk, we think. We do in HIs prosperity. We claim it, we receive it. We claim it, we receive it, we claim it, we receive it. We claim it, we receive it. Shane McDonald, claim it and receive it. Claim it and receive it. There’s prosperity on you. Claim it and receive it. Blessings being flowed. There’s blessing flowing, there’s blessings flowing unto you, Shane. Blessings, blessings, there’s prosperity. There’s prosperity in you today. It’s been there, it’s been there for generations. It’s been there, it’s been there for generations. Claim it and receive it, claim it and receive it. Claim it and receive it. I claim it for myself. I claim it for myself, I claim it for myself. I claim it, I receive it. I claim it, I receive it.”


“I just heard the Lord say to release your victory cry. Release that frequency from within so that wealth can recognize your frequency. Let out your cry of victory so that wealth can resonate with your frequency. Let it out.”


“And I hear the Lord say, don’t overlook one thing. He said the enemy thought, the enemy thought he brought destruction, but he said look at the path of destruction the enemy’s brought. He says he’s brought it on both sides of Mississippi. He’s brought it in Alabama, he’s brought it in Louisiana. He says, but watch Me. I’m not forgetting that path. The Lord says there’s treasures on that path and I’m going to bring them out of the land. And He says, you talk about redemption, you haven’t seen redemption yet. He says I am pouring out redemption. He said wealth. Wealth. The enemy tried to cover up. The enemy tried to cover up. It will be coming out of the ocean. It will be coming out of the ocean. The seas are about to give it up.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“The enemy’s got to give it up, give it up. The enemy’s got to give it up. The fire of the Lord. The fire on the Lord is on the ocean shores down deep. Down deep. Down deep, down deep. Deep, deep, deep. It’s rising up, it’s rising up, it’s rising up, rising up, rising up.”


“And just as I saw, and just as I heard and read the story. When Jesus told Peter to cast down his net and Peter was obedient and he did it, there was multiple fish to take care of every need over and above what he asked or imagined. And I’m hearing the Lord say cast down your net into the deep. Cast down your net of what you need and trust Him and watch Him multiply, not just your needs but your desires. There’s multiplication. The Lord’s been talking to me about multiplication. He is multiplying blessings on you today but He says to cast down your net in the Spirit realm and give it to Him and watch what He does for you.”


“So just feel His presence. What you’re feeling is His presence, it’s the presence of the Lord. He’s heavy here. It’s like one of these moments if you are in the building you just don’t know where to go right now, but just stand in HIs presence. And I heard some of you while standing in HIs presence, and I don’t know much about this process but you need to issue what’s called a Quit Claim Deed to claim the loss of the family line and claim it back.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“You are holy and we worship You. You are mighty and we look to You. Father, You’re everything for everything, You’re all that we need. Step into the new. We step into Your new. We don’t want to stay in the past, we let it go. We step into Your new. It's never been this way before. We’ve never been this way before. So we’re just following Your lead, we’re stepping into Your feet. We step into the new. We are Yours. You are mine. We belong with You, Lord all throughout time. We will not hold back, we will not stay there. We’re stepping into Your new. Stepping into Your new, getting out of the shallow and diving in deep where we can only touch You. We’re looking into Your eyes, seeing face to face. We’re not satisfied to be on the bottom Lord, We’re climbing up the mountain with You. Stepping into the new. Stepping into the new, into Your new. See You face to face, hear Your voice Lord. We see in Your eyes, looking at You, Lord not at our circumstances. There’s nothing that will hold us back. We stay in Your footsteps because You are here right here before us now, Lord. We’re stepping in the new with You. We’re keeping Your face in front of our eyes. We focus on You. You’re the only thing that we can look at now. You’re the only thing we see. The rest, the rest is back. It’s only You. The rest is back, it’s only you. Stepping in, stepping into the new. Stepping into the new. Stepping into the new, stepping into the new. Footsteps walk with You, we’re looking at Your face, Lord. Looking in Your eyes now, we see. Stepping into the new, we choose You. We choose You, we choose to step with You. We hear Your new sound, we hear the new sound. It’s the season to push us forward. Hear Your new sound and we release Your new sound in this earth, Lord. This new has all the treasure you can imagine, every kind. Spirit, soul and body and all that we need and more. Maybe even more than we can handle. It’s everything in it more than we need, more than we want. He’s the God of more. Can you receive it? He’s a God of more. Can you see it? It’s in His eyes, it’s in His eyes. It’s in His face as you come face to face. You see yourself and where He has for you to go. You see the new and you walk forward. Take a step, take a step, take a step. Move into the new. Take a step, move into the new. We will not stay back. No, no. We choose. Nothing else is good enough. Nothing is impossible. All things are possible. You’re amazing God. You’re amazing God. We surrender, we surrender. Stepping into Your new, stepping into Your new.”



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