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September 6, 2020

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

“Father, I just thank You now that You are the waymaker. You are the chain breaker, Father. Father God, I thank You. Just as last night, Father God in prayer, I saw chains being broken. I saw chains being broken. Structures coming down and Your righteousness being built as the new structures in areas, Father. And so Father, as we come before You this morning, Father, I’m asking You, Holy Spirit that if there is anything in any of us that are bound up, I’m asking You, Holy Spirit to break every chain in us. That those things will not have any more part in us, Father. Lord, that Your righteousness be built in us in Jesus’ name.”


“Father, I just thank You, Lord that You are breaking every chain. Father, I thank You that You are breaking the chain of addiction, You’re breaking the chain of demonic mindset, man-made mindsets, Father. Father, I thank You that You are setting us into the new Lord and that You are aligning us, Father as we yield our hearts. As we yield our vessels, Father. You are breaking those chains. You are breaking those chains. Every chain comes off, Lord. Father, I thank You that the chain that has held people in bondage through unforgiveness is broken. Father, I thank You that the chain that has held people in bondage for not repenting, Father. Father God, I thank You. I thank You, Father God. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Father that there is freedom. There is freedom in You, Lord.”


Prophetic Song

“Oh tear down the walls, can You hear Him call. He’s tearing down the walls. Can you hear Him call? Oh He’s calling you. He’s calling you to Himself. He’s calling you to Himself. He’s calling you. He’s calling you. He’s calling you to Himself. Oh, can you hear Him? Oh, can you hear Him? I hear You, Lord. I hear Him. Oh He’s calling you to Himself. Oh let all those things go. Let all those things go. Let the Holy Spirit flow. Let the Holy Spirit flow. Let the Holy Spirit flow, let all those things go. Let all those things go. All the hurt, all the pain, all the pain, all the hurt. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Forgive, forgive, forgive. Forgive, forgive, forgive. Oh, can you hear Him call. Those walls are coming down. Can you hear His sound? Oh the walls are coming down. The walls are coming down. The walls are coming down. Every chain is broken. Every chain is broken. Every chain is broken. Can you hear Him calling you today. Oh He wants to show you His way. He loves you. He loves you. He loves you. Oh hallelujah. To break every chain. Break every chain. Break every chain, Lord. Break every chain, Lord. We are Your army, Lord. We are Your army, Lord. We’re rising up. We’re rising up. We are Your army, Lord. We are Your army, Lord. We’re rising up, we’re rising up, we’re rising up. Oh hallelujah. Oh hallelujah. It’s Your love, it’s Your love. It’s Your love, it’s Your love. We’re rising up, we’re rising up, Lord. We’re rising up, Lord. We’re rising up, Lord. Hallelujah.”


“And this is what I’m hearing the Lord say. He says I’m calling you unto Myself. I am calling you unto Myself. Can you hear Me? Can you hear Me? Can you hear Me? Those things which have held you back, those things that have held you back and has caused you to lack in your walk with Me, in your relationship with Me. I’m hearing the Lord say tear it down. Tear it down, let it go. Let it go and let My Holy Spirit flow. For what I have for you is great this day, but what I have to say will show you the way. So He says look up to Me. Let Me come in. Let Me come in and fellowship with you. I need your heart. I need your heart to take you to that brand new start. So as you walk with Me, I will give you the things to say. I will heal you in each and every way. Oh, for it’s not by might, it’s by my Spirit says the Lord that I do these things. For I love you and I have called you. Can you hear Me? Can you hear Me? Can you hear Me? Don't resist the call, but yield to Me and you will have everything after all. In Jesus’ name.”


“Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Father. Thank You, Father.”

“I heard the Lord say I’m taking the gloves off. And I looked it up and it means that it’s showing intent on winning a dispute. So He’s taking His gloves off because we’re fixing to win. It’s to show an intention of winning a dispute.”


“So Father, I thank You that You are taking Your gloves off. Thank You, Father God. Thank You, Jesus. Hallelujah.”


“You know, I just sense that there are some that are watching and maybe some that are here today that you’ve lost your confidence. You’ve said God when, God when. God when is this going to happen. You’ve prayed and you’ve prayed and you’ve prayed and you haven’t seen the results of what you’re praying for. Well let me remind you that when Daniel prayed, it took 21 days for him to get his answer because there was a war going on in the heavenlies between the demonic and the angels. And the Lord says I have heard your prayer. I’ve heard your heart’s cry and I am answering it. The answer is on the way. What we have to do as Christians, as sons and daughters of Jesus, when we pray and after we’ve prayed about it and we’ve stood and we’ve stood and we’ve stood, we just need to start praising Him and thanking Him for the answer. Because He has the answer. He has everything that you need. So it’s already been provided. So what’s been going over in me for a while now in the Bible it says that I meet all of your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. What we have to say is Lord this is what I want, because we’re His children. When your children has a need, as a parent we provide that need for them as they’re growing up, right? So that need is automatically because of us because that’s what parents do. But when they want something, all they have to do is ask and it’s given to them. We are God’s children and so what He’s been telling me is Sonja, I’ve already met your needs. I’ve already met your needs. That has already been done. What do you want Me to do? And that’s not asking selfishly of material things that we want, but we want peace in our lives. He’s provided that. So what we do is we thank Him for it. We ask Him. We praise Him. Once we have asked, once you have prayed and you’ve warred and you’ve stood and you’ve stood, you stand and you be immovable. And you let God do immeasurable, exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask or imagine. He’s gonna give it to you. And so I’m seeing these prayers that have been, I don’t know who it is, there’s these prayers that’s been like going up before the Lord and some of you are sitting there or listening to me and it’s like when God when? I’m exhausted. And the Lord says He’s already made the provision for you. You need to start praising Him for it. And as you praise Him and as you worship, then what’s going to happen, there’s a release in the spirit realm to cause the manifestations of those things which you’ve asked Him for. Amen. Hallelujah. Thank You, Lord.”


Prophetic Song

“Oh we thank You, Jesus, we thank You, Lord, that the provision has already been made Hallelujah, we receive the answers to our prayers today. Oh we receive, we receive, we receive. Oh we receive, we receive, we receive. Oh we’re under the shelter of the God Almighty. Oh, we hide in the cleft of the rock. Oh we’re under the shelter of the Almighty and we receive, we receive. Oh receive your answers today. Receive, receive the provision that’s already been made. Oh receive, receive. Oh receive, receive. Oh He has the gifts, He has the gifts, He has the gifts for you today. Oh, He’s already made the provision. He’s already made the provision. Oh receive your gifts today. Families are being restored. Families are being restored. Oh the wayward son is coming back into the fold. The wayward son is coming back into the fold. The wayward son is coming back into the fold. Oh receive, receive, receive. Oh, there’s healing. There’s healing. Some of you have been praying for healing. There’s healing, there’s healing. Diabetes is gone. Diabetes is gone, cancer is gone. It’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone. It’s gone, it’s gone. Oh it’s gone. Blood pressure, blood pressure is normal. Blood pressure is normal. Heart disease is leaving. Heart disease is gone. It’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone. Oh the healing power of God is here. The healing power of God is here. Let Him heal you, let Him heal you spirit, soul and body. Oh, it’s here, He’s here, He’s here. Oh there’s deposits, there’s deposits, there’s deposits to overflow, overflow, overflow. The fire, the fire, the fire. The fire, the fire, the fire. It’s the fire of God driving out those things that have held you back. It’s the fire of God Oh it’s the fire, it’s the fire, it’s the fire. Oh, I see the fire, the fire, the fire. Can you feel the fire of God. Oh can you feel the fire of God? His gloves are off. His gloves are off. He says enough is enough is enough. No more, no more lack. No more sickness. No more, no more disease. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. I’m seeing cancer go, cancer go, cancer go. Oh, it’s leaving your body. It’s leaving your body. It’s leaving your body, it’s leaving your body. It’s leaving your body. All ulcers go, ulcers go. Be healed in Jesus name. Be healed in Jesus name. Receive the fire, receive the fire of Holy Spirit. Receive His fire. Oh that wayward son is coming home. That wayward daughter is coming home. That wayward son is coming home. Oh hallelujah that daughter’s coming home. That daughter’s coming. That daughter’s coming. Oh there’s healing, there’s healing, there’s healing. There’s healing in the land. Oh, there’s healing in the land. Oh, His healing power is here. There’s healing in the nation. Healing, healing. Oh healing. For I have much to say. Open your heart, open your heart and listen and what I have to say to you. What I want to pour in you is My love. Is My love. I have much to say. Come and let me show you the way. I have much to say. It’s a new time. It’s a new day. It’s a new start. Come let me, come let me into your heart. Let me in. Let me in.”



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